Axway profile NFPS

Axway and its business activities

This Chapter presents Axway’s history, activities, markets and business strategy. By combining more than 20 years of experience with a continuous investment strategy, Axway today offers one of the most comprehensive portfolios of software solutions on the market in the field of data flow management. Leveraging technologies such as APIs, MFT, B2B integration and Financial Accounting Hub, Axway enables its 11,000 customers worldwide to securely transfer, integrate or expose their data. With 1,525 employees in 19 countries, Axway helps large enterprises modernise their IT infrastructures to create simple, seamless digital experiences that bring value to their entire ecosystem.

1.1Axway’s history

2001-2010: Axway, the software subsidiary of Sopra group

Spin-off and European development

Axway’s journey began in January 2001 when the infrastructure software business of IT services group Sopra (now Sopra Steria) was spun off as a subsidiary. Sopra’s different infrastructure solutions, including notably the Règles du Jeu accounting interpretation software and the CFT and InterPel file transfer tools, were then grouped together within a single entity: Axway.

In the following four years, Axway accelerated its international development and began its external growth with the acquisition of Viewlocity (2002). Between 2001 and 2005, these developments enabled Axway to take up a position in most major European markets and doubled its customer numbers to 6,000.

North American expansion and market leadership

Axway launched its expansion into North America in 2005, with the ambition of becoming a world leader in several sub-segments of the infrastructure software market and particularly the Managed File Transfer (MFT) and Business-to-Business integration (B2B) fields.

At the time, the US represented over 50% of the addressable market, but Axway generated only 4% of its revenue in the country. The Company then undertook strategic acquisitions, such as Cyclone Commerce in 2006, and rapidly aligned its geographic presence with the reality of its markets while establishing its executive management in the US.

The successive acquisitions of Atos group’s B2B activities and Tumbleweed in 2007 and 2008, further consolidated Axway’s offer and position with both US and European major customers.

In 2009, Axway reached its development goals by positioning itself as a leader among the main market analysts in the MFT and B2B integration segments. At the same time, the share of revenue earned in the US increased from 4% in 2005 to nearly 30% in 2009.

1.2Overview of Axway’s markets

1.2.1Axway in the infrastructure software market

With revenue of €314.0 million in 2022, Axway is France’s 3rd largest horizontal software publisher.(1)

According to Gartner, “Enterprise infrastructure software spending is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% (in constant US dollars) between 2021 and 2026 and reach $623 billion in current US dollars by 2026.”(2)

As a software publisher, Axway operates in several infrastructure software sub-segments and specifically application infrastructure and middleware (AIM). In total, Gartner estimates the application infrastructure and middleware sub-segment market at US$56.6 billion in 2023.(2)

Within the application infrastructure and middleware sub-segment, Axway participates in four specific markets:

  • API Management;
  • Managed File Transfer (MFT);
  • B2B Gateway Software (B2B Integration);
  • Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS).

For 2023, Gartner estimates growth in the different technology markets in which Axway operates as follows: Full Life Cycle API Management +19.0%, Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) +24.7%, Managed File Transfer Suites +2.1%, B2B Gateway Software (Stand-Alone) -2.1%(2).

As an international player, Axway is exposed to the dynamics of different geographic markets. The Company has locations in 18 countries across five continents. Gartner estimates 2023 application infrastructure and middleware growth in Axway regions as follows: North America +12.3%, Latin America +13.1%, Western Europe +9.8% and Asia/Pacific +12.1%.(2)

Supported by a large network of technology partners and dealers, this multi-local presence means that Axway solutions are used in over 100 countries. The Company can support the largest organisations with all their transnational projects.

Infrastructure software is used in cloud, hybrid and on-premise environments. Historically, Axway distributes its solutions in the form of on-premise perpetual licenses. Since 2015, the Company has also offered most of its solutions through “as a service” Subscription contracts. To be able to provide these Subscription offerings, Axway makes use of cloud and/or hybrid technology models.

As a result of these trends, the infrastructure and integration markets continue to evolve:

  • requirements are constantly increasing, both with regard to the availability of information on all devices and the security of connections and data. IT ecosystems continue to develop as more and more companies work together through collaborative solutions;
  • while more and more workloads are moving to the cloud, companies have decades of heritage infrastructure and systems that must continue to be leveraged to meet short-term needs and cost constraints.

Companies are therefore naturally turning to integration platforms to facilitate their digital transformation.

According to Gartner, “full life cycle API management remains a dynamic and thriving market with substantial potential for both investors and vendors looking to create and manage APIs as add-ons to their offerings. Gartner expects this market to continue its strong double-digit growth for at least the next five years."(3)

Axway’s hybrid integration offering, based on its Amplify API Management Platform solution, is recognised globally as a leader in the industry. In the third quarter of 2022, Axway was positioned as a Leader in The Forrester WaveTM: API Management Solutions, Q3 2022.(4) It was also recognised as a Leader in the November 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Full Life Cycle API Management for the seventh time.(1)(3) Axway aims to maintain its position as a leader in this market and continues to invest in this direction.

1.3Strategy and objectives AFR

1.3.1Axway’s strategy

As a software publisher and a leader in digital transformation and B2B integration, Axway supports the modernisation of its customers’ IT infrastructures by securely moving, integrating or exposing their strategic data.

Axway’s different technological areas of expertise converge to connect people, devices, companies and stakeholder ecosystems, thanks to software solutions which are turning customers’ heritage infrastructure into brilliant digital experiences which create value for each use case.

The Amplify platform, powered by APIs, brings together all the players in a major organisation’s IT ecosystem around a common set of tools. The teams in charge of applications and their integration, developers, operators, architects or members of the Board of Directors, within the company or with one of its partners, use Amplify to make the use of data a competitive advantage.

Through a range of ready-to-use solutions and services, Axway’s expertise is demonstrated in the following areas:

  • API Management: Amplify combines API management functionalities and microservices governance to streamline the management, analysis and expansion of digital services;
  • Application Integration: Amplify provides access to a collection of pre-built integration scenarios via IPaaS capacities;
  • Managed File Transfer (MFT): flexible and secure management of the largest critical data flows;
  • B2B integration: orchestration of business interactions across all value chains within the company.
Axway Open Everything
The Amplify ecosystem

The Amplify platform, powered by APIs, is able to evolve the existing infrastructure solutions of major organisations, and accommodates cloud, hybrid and on-premise architectures. It is distributed as a Subscription or as a License to respond to the challenges of all types of customers.

In addition to the technological functionalities described previously, the Amplify platform offers various high added-value outcomes:

  • agility: single control plane to manage all vendor gateways in the ecosystem providing automated visibility and traceability of transaction flows;
  • flexibility: hands-free visibility and governance, integration with Axway and non-Axway infrastructure and gateways;
  • efficiency: automation that allows the management and maintenance of the integrity of the catalogue and elimination of long manual interventions;
  • risk reduction: secure open event-based platform enabling processes to be automated and integrated with existing processes, creating productive governance that accelerates business.

Its ramp-up will enable Axway to continue to develop its activities towards Subscription-based offerings through a growing, profitable business model that offers good medium-term visibility.

Intellectual property and Patents

At 31 December 2022, Axway had 28 patents (Issued and/or Published) relating to its technologies and solutions. These patents are filed mainly in the United States, in the security and exchange integrity market segment. The Company’s business as a whole is not specifically dependent on a particular patent or technology.

1.4 Key figures and comments on the 2022 consolidated financial statements

1.4.1 Key figures

(in millions of euros)












Profit on operating activities




As a % of revenue




Profit from recurring operations




As a % of revenue




Operating profit




As a % of revenue



5.9 %

Net profit – Group share




As a % of revenue




Number of shares at 31 December




Basic earnings per share (in euros)




Diluted earnings per share (in euros)




Net dividend per share* (in euros)




Cash and cash equivalents




Total assets




Total non-current assets




Deferred income (current)




Shareholders’ equity – Group share




Net debt (cash)




Employees at 31 December




* The distribution of a dividend of €0.40 per share will be presented to shareholders’ vote at the General Meeting of 11 May 2023.

1.5 Comments on the Axway Software SA 2022 annual financial statements

The financial statements described below are those of Axway Software SA. They present the financial position of the parent company, strictly speaking. They do not include the financial statements of the Group’s subsidiaries, unlike the consolidated financial statements.

1.5.1 Income Statement

2022 revenue increased 8.0 % on 2021 (License -57.9%, Maintenance -8.7%, Services +17.2%, Subscription +38.7%). Revenue from non-Group customers declined 1.6% while inter-company revenue increased 17.0%.

The operating loss was -€9.1 million in 2022, compared to -€12.3 million in 2021. Despite a €7.6 million increase in purchases consumed, mainly due to inter-company billing, and a €1.8 million increase in employee costs, revenue growth (+€14.6 million) offset the increase in some expenses, improving the operating loss.

Net financial income increased from €4.1 million in 2021 to €10.9 million in 2022. The main movements in this heading comprised an increase in dividends received from subsidiaries of €8.8 million and an increase in financial expenses relating to loan interest and other costs of €1.3 million. A provision of €1.1 million was recognised on the equity investment in the new entity, DXchange Technologies Private Limited.

A pre-tax current profit of €1.7 million was recorded in 2022 compared to a pre-tax current loss of -€8.2 million in 2021.

The net exceptional expense was -€14.3 million in 2022, compared to -€4.7 million in 2021. Exceptional expenses were impacted this year by commercial debt waivers granted to six subsidiaries given their difficult net position for a total of €12.4 million, +€8.2 million higher than in 2021.

Employee profit-sharing totalled €1.0 million in 2022, compared to €0.8 million in 2021.

The 2022 net loss was -€8.0 million, compared to -€7.8 million in 2021.

1.6Axway’s simplified legal structure at 31 December 2022


1.7Axway Software at a glance

Company name

The Company name is Axway Software.

Place of registered office

The registered office is located at PAE Les Glaisins, 3 rue du Pré-Faucon, 74940 Annecy, France. The Company also has four secondary establishments located at Tour W 102 Terrasse Boieldieu, 92085 Paris La Defense Cedex, France and 23 rue Crepet, 69007 Lyon, as well as 23 rue Matabiau, 31000 Toulouse and 35 chemin du Vieux Chene, 38240 Meylan. The head office is located at 16220 N Scottsdale Rd. Suite 500, Scottsdale AZ 85254, USA.

Shareholders and investors website

Axway has a website dedicated to its shareholders and investors, The information presented on this website is not an integral part of this Universal Registration Document, unless expressly incorporated by reference.

Date of incorporation and Company term

The Company was incorporated on 28 December 2000 for a term of 99 years. The Company’s term will therefore expire on 28 December 2099 unless it is dissolved before that date or the term is extended.

Legal status and applicable legislation

Axway is a French law public limited company (société anonyme). It is therefore governed by all the texts applicable to commercial companies in France and particularly the provisions of the French Commercial Code.

Trade and Companies Register

Annecy Trade and Companies Register under number 433 977 980. APE code 5829A.




433 977 980 00047

Corporate purpose (Extract from Article 2 of the Articles of Association)

“The Company’s purpose in France and abroad is: the publishing, sale, distribution, installation and maintenance of all types of software packages, the design and development of any software programme, the integration of any IT system, the sale of any IT systems and hardware, and the provision of any related services, training, consultancy and hosting;

the Company’s, direct or indirect involvement, by any means, in any transaction connected with its purpose by means of the incorporation of new companies, transfer of assets, subscription or purchase of securities or ownership interests, merger or otherwise, creation, purchase, leasing, lease management of any business goodwill or premises; the registration, purchase, use or disposal of any processes and patents connected with these activities;

and, in general, all industrial, commercial, financial, procedural, movable property or real-estate transactions that may be directly or indirectly related to the corporate purpose or any similar or connected purpose.”

Documents available for consultation

Axway Software’s Articles of Association, the minutes of General Meetings and the reports of the Board of Directors to the General Meetings, Statutory Auditors’ reports, the financial statements for the last three fiscal years and, more generally, all documents sent to or made available to shareholders pursuant to prevailing laws and regulations may be consulted at Tour W 102 Terrasse Boieldieu, 92085 Paris La Defense Cedex, France.

Where applicable, these documents are also accessible on Axway’s website which notably contains regulated information published in accordance with Articles 221-1 et seq. of the AMF General Regulations.

Axway’s Ethics charter and Securities Trading Code of Conduct can also be consulted on Axway’s website at the following link:

Fiscal year

The Company’s fiscal year commences on 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.

1.8Axway’s organisation

Axway’s governance structure is detailed below in accordance with Article L. 225-37-4 of the French Commercial Code. Axway’s governance structure consists of a Chairman, a Chief Executive Officer and a Board of Directors.

This organisational structure is supported by a permanent operational and functional structure as well as temporary structures for the management of particular businesses and projects.

1.8.1Permanent structure

Axway’s permanent structure comprises a management body, an organisation based on the main operating functions and functional structures.

Executive Management

Executive Management comprises the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee comprises the Chief Executive Officer, the Heads of the major operating and functional entities and the General Managers.

Executive Committee members are responsible for strategy development and supervise the organisation and management system, as well as major cross-functional initiatives.

The Board of Directors

The Company’s Board of Directors is composed of 14 directors (nine of whom are independent directors). The directors elected Pierre Pasquier as Chairman at the Board meeting of 28 July 2015. Information on the Board’s organisation and working procedures is presented in Chapter 4, Section 1.2 of this Universal Registration Document.

The General Managers

The General Managers are the heads of the operating departments that make up Axway's value chain. They are involved in defining, producing and selling Axway's products and services. They comprise:

  • Regional General Managers, responsible for all interactions with current and prospective customers in their region, including sales, pre-sales, services, customer success and field marketing. They are located in the four main regions where Axway operates: Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific;
  • Product General Managers, responsible for all aspects of Axway’s offerings, including product management, development, innovation, maintenance and related marketing.

This structure ensures that strategies and processes are consistent and harmonised, while providing the necessary proximity to Axway customers and markets.

As part of the budget process, each of these Departments is allocated resources and assigned targets, which they are responsible for managing. Progress towards the achievement of targets is assessed on a monthly basis, with weekly control points for sales and services and monitoring of major customer accounts.

Functional structures

The Functional Departments (Corporate Secretary, Marketing, Support, Finance, Logistics, People & Culture, Communication, IT Resources, Internal Information Systems, Legal Affairs) are centralised. They contribute to overall Axway cohesiveness, ensuring commitment to Axway’s core values and serve the operational entities. They report directly to Executive Management.

The functional structures standardise the management rules (IT resources, IT systems, financial reporting, etc.) and monitor the application of policies and rules.

In this manner, they contribute to overall supervision and enable the operating entities to focus on business.

Axway’s corporate social responsibility structure

In support of its stakeholder responsibility policy and in accordance with the recommendations of the Middlenext Code of Corporate Governance updated in 2021, Axway strengthened its corporate, social and environmental responsibility (CSR) framework within its governance bodies and internal teams.

Within the Board of Directors and its committees:

  • CSR is included on the agenda of the Appointments, Ethics and Governance Committee, renamed the Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee.

Within Executive Management:

  • the Chief Executive Officer leads the CSR policy and defines the roadmap in quarterly Committee meetings with the Human Resources Director, Head of Investor Relations, the CSR Coordinator and, if necessary, the heads of the Functional Departments concerned;
  • the main social, societal and environmental indicators are included and measured as part of the Company's performance monitoring.

With dedicated internal teams:

  • the CSR team is led by the Head of Investor Relations, who coordinates the work with the Functional Departments involved (Human Resources, Purchasing, IT, Legal, etc.);
  • the network of correspondents present locally in Axway’s subsidiaries and responsible for gathering social, societal and environmental data in line with the CSR roadmap.

1.9Recent developments

On 26 January 2023, Axway issued a press release announcing the upward revision of 2022 annual targets:

Paris, 26 January 2023 – Axway today announces an upward revision of its organic growth and profitability guidance for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022. While the Company will present its detailed annual results on 22 February 2023, as planned, current unaudited estimates indicate that the previously communicated targets for 2022 should be exceeded.

This performance is explained by the historically high level of activity recorded by the Company at the end of year. In fact, thanks to an organic increase in the Subscription activity of more than 100% in Q4 2022 over Q4 2021, on a full-year basis Axway now expects:

Organic revenue growth of between 4.5% and 5.5%, compared to 1% to 3% previously;

Operating profit from business activity representing between 14% to 15% of revenue, compared with 12% to 14% previously.”

1.10Provisional financial calendar




Publication of Q1 2023 revenue

Thursday 27 April 2023

Press release (before market opening)

General Meeting

Thursday 11 May 2023

Shareholders’ Meeting (2.30 p.m. UTC+1) - Etoile Business Center - Paris

Publication of H1 2023 results

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Press release (after market closing)



Analysts virtual conference (UTC+2)

Publication of Q3 2023 revenue

Thursday 26 October 2023

Press release (before market opening)

1.11Investor & shareholder contacts

Axway Software – Tour W, 102 Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex, France

Arthur Carli, Head of Investor Relations & CSR

Tel.: +33(0)1 47 17 24 65 / email:

Sylvie Podetti, Financial Communication & CSR

Tel.: +33(0)1 47 17 22 40 / email:

Rina Andriamiadantsoa, Financial Communication

Tel.: +33(0)1 47 17 24 04 / email:

Source: Top 250 Numeum EY 2022.
Gartner, Forecast: Enterprise Infrastructure Software, Worldwide, 2020-2026, 4Q22 Update, Arunasree Cheparthi, Laurie Wurster, Daniel O’Connell, Lisa Unden-Farboud, Robin Schumacher, Sharat Menon, Amarendra., Fabrizio Biscotti, Christian Canales, Shailendra Upadhyay, Tarun Rohilla, 19 December 2022. The Gartner content presented in this document (the “Gartner Content”) represents the research opinions or viewpoints published by Gartner, Inc. ("Gartner") as part of a syndicated subscription service and does not constitute statements of fact. Gartner Content speaks as of its original publication date (and not as of the date of this document) and the opinions expressed in the Gartner Content are subject to change without notice. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of the Gartner research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose
Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Full Life Cycle API Management, Shameen Pillai, Kimihiko Iijima, Mark O’Neill, John Santoro, Paul Dumas, Akash Jain, 14 November 2022.
The Forrester Wave™: API Management Solutions, Q3 2022, Forrester Research, Inc., 22 August 2022.
Gartner, How Cloud Adoption Will Increase Opex Budgets, Chris Ganly, Michael Warrilow, 20 May 2022. The Gartner content described herein (the “Gartner Content”) represents research opinion or viewpoints published, as part of a syndicated subscription service, by Gartner, Inc. ("Gartner"), and is not a representation of fact. Gartner Content speaks as of its original publication date (and not as of the date of this Universal Registration Document), and the opinions expressed in the Gartner Content are subject to change without notice. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Risks and Control

2.1Risk factors AFR/NFPS

Axway is exposed to risks, financial and non-financial, internal and external, which if they materialise could have a negative impact on its activities, financial results, reputation or jeopardise the achievement of its objectives. Indeed, the Company operates in a constantly changing business environment. The economic and geopolitical situation has increased uncertainty and impacted Axway’s business, by exacerbating some of the already existing risks Axway faces.

However, processes implemented by the Company allow it to identify and assess risks and take the necessary actions to minimise the adverse repercussions of this global crisis on its activity and organisation.

2.1.1Risk identification and assessment

Risk mapping is the approach allowing the identification and assessment of risks. All the activity domains in the organisation were discussed with the members of the Executive Committee and the Company’s main managers, to identify the main threats and draw up a detailed description of each corresponding risk. These were assessed based on their probability of occurrence and their potential impact on business, taking account of all mitigation measures already implemented and effective (“net risk”).

Based on this work, the most material net risks for the Company were extracted and are presented hereafter. This Section presents the main risk factors to which Axway considers it is exposed at the date of filing of this document. Explanations are provided on how each risk may affect Axway, as well as information on how this risk is managed.

Other risks, which Axway is not aware of or currently considers to be of lesser importance, may also have a negative impact. In particular, additional information is provided on sensitivity to foreign exchange rate and interest rate risks in Chapter 5 “Consolidated financial statements”.

While Axway cannot ensure that all risks will be eliminated, risk management and the internal control system seek to identify, qualify and mitigate risks. They are described in Section 2 of this Chapter “Internal control and risk management”.

Risk mapping as well as risk factors were validated by Executive Management and examined by the Board of Directors’ Audit Committee.

2.2Internal control and risk management

2.2.1Internal control and risk management environment

Axway’s internal control and risk management system complies with prevailing laws and regulations. It is supported by the reference framework, implementation guide and recommendations published and updated by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). Internal control

According to the definition of the AMF’s reference framework, internal control is “a system set up by the Company, defined and implemented under its responsibility, which aims to ensure:

  • compliance with laws and regulations;
  • the application of instructions and guidelines determined by Executive Management;
  • the proper functioning of the Company’s internal processes, particularly those intended to safeguard its assets;
  • the reliability of financial disclosures”. Risk management

With regard to risk management, its aim is to:

  • create and preserve the Company’s value, assets and reputation;
  • safeguard decision-making and other Company processes in order to promote the achievement of objectives;
  • promote the consistency of the actions taken with the Company’s values;
  • unify Company employees around a common vision of the main risks and increase their awareness of risks inherent to their activity.

The main risks that Axway faces are described in Chapter 2, Section 2.1 (“Risk factors”). Implementation

All of the internal control system and risk management processes described hereunder are implemented in all entities in the scope of consolidation with the aim of reducing the risk factors to an acceptable level, helping Axway achieve its objectives and providing reasonable assurance on their implementation. In the event of a new acquisition, this company will be fully consolidated into the global internal control and risk management system.

As with any control system, it cannot provide an absolute guarantee that such risks have been totally avoided, eliminated or controlled, or that Axway’s objectives will be achieved.

2.3Preparation and processing of accounting and financial information

2.3.1Coordination of the accounting and financial function of the accounting and financial function

The responsibilities of the Finance Department mainly involve producing the separate financial statements of the Company’s subsidiaries and preparing the consolidated financial statements, management control, tax issues, sales administration, financing and cash accounting. The accounting and financial function is predominantly centralised within the Company. As previously indicated, there are a limited number of legal entities, and consequently, accounting entities, which generates operational savings and limits operating risks.

The Finance Department reports to the Company’s Executive Management. Like all entities, it contributes to the aforementioned steering system. Executive Management is closely involved in the planning and supervision process as well as in preparing the financial statements.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the regular oversight of accounting and financial information. 

It reviews and approves the half-year and annual financial statements, taking account of the Statutory Auditors’ opinion. of the accounting information system

All Axway companies prepare full quarterly accounts on which the Company bases its published quarterly sales figures and interim financial statements. All of these companies are fully consolidated.

Monthly cash flow forecasts and financial statements that include operating profit are prepared for all companies. The application of rules is monitored continuously by the Finance Department, particularly regarding the application of revenue recognition and project valuation rules. The accounting methods and principles used are those presented in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, as disclosed in Chapter 5, Section 5.6 of this document, (“Notes to the consolidated financial statement”). Any changes are presented to the Audit Committee.

2.4Insurance and risk hedging policy

Insurance management is centralised by the Legal Department. The purpose of the insurance programme is to ensure a uniform and adapted coverage of risks for the Company and its employees, for all entities and under reasonable and optimised conditions. The scope and coverage of these various insurance programmes are reviewed annually with regard to changes in the Company’s size, its activities, the insurance market and risk assessment.

All Axway companies are insured with leading insurance firms for all risks that could impact its activity, results or assets. However, it is not inconceivable that Axway may be required to pay compensation for losses not covered by the insurance programmes put in place.

Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that, in the last three years, no major claim has been reported by any of Axway’s entities under the policies described below (or others covering the Group in the past).

The main insurance programmes are as follows:



Professional indemnity and operations insurance

This programme covers all Axway companies. It covers the financial impacts arising from civil and professional indemnity claims in connection with their activities, due to material or immaterial physical damage or harm caused to third parties. This policy also covers the additional costs incurred to prevent accidents or reduce their impact. The overall contractual limit is €30 million per year of insurance.

This programme is supplemented in France by an insurance for inexcusable conduct, the purpose of which is to guarantee the reimbursement of the financial losses incurred by the Company if they result from work-related accidents or occupational illness.

Cybersecurity insurance

This programme covers all Axway companies. It covers all the direct or indirect financial impacts, material and immaterial damages and operating losses relating to cybersecurity risks. The overall contractual limit is €10 million per year of insurance.

Senior executives’ and company officers’ professional indemnity insurance

This programme covers all Axway company officers, senior executives and directors. The programme covers all the financial impacts of claims made against them for any professional negligence committed during the performance of their duties. The overall contractual limit is €25 million per year of insurance. An additional $5 million was subscribed for the United States scope.

Assistance for employees on assignment

This programme covers all Axway employees, company officers, senior executives and directors. It covers accidents or illnesses arising on business trips.

Operating damage and loss insurance

Insurance programmes have been set up to cover losses and damages to property (sites, equipment, terminals, etc.) and operating losses.

Corporate responsibility Non‑financial performance statement AFR/NFPS

3.1Axway, an innovative and responsible player in the digital sector

Axway’s sector, strategy and business model

The software solutions developed by Axway help companies make the most of their IT infrastructures by securely moving, integrating or exposing their strategic data.

In 2022, Axway attained its objective of optimising its product portfolio, while generating growth and improving profitability. The Company adjusted its organisation to include General Managers for each of the four main product lines. These new leaders are responsible for defining, producing and selling the various products and services proposed by Axway. Supported by the Research & Development, Product Management and Marketing teams, they comprise the value chain in the Company’s business model.

In a competitive sector with highly innovative businesses, Axway maintains its innovation and human capital assets and its responsible values through:

  • an organisation focused on satisfying customers, measured by the Net Promoter Score (NPS);
  • a comprehensive portfolio of products recognised by market analysts;
  • significant investment in Research & Development, sales and marketing;
  • balanced governance and a shareholder structure guaranteeing an independent corporate project; 
  • constant dialogue between Executive Management and employees, supported by direct surveys;
  • agile working methods and a harmonious and safe work environment;
  • talent development, coordinated by a dedicated structure, Axway University;
  • a solid financial structure;
  • values shared with all the Company’s stakeholders;
  • CSR indicators and programmes integrated in the Company’s policy and employee objectives.

These assets support Axway’s ambition to become an independent, committed and responsible leader in its markets.

3.2Employer Commitment: continue to shape the Company we want to work for

3.2.1Progress with Employer targets

Targets set in 2021

2022 context and programme

2021 Baseline

2022 Score

2023 Target

Employee Engagement >70% 
by end-2023

Annual employee survey




33% of women in total workforce 
by end-2023

Strengthening recruitment and retention processes




+25% of people with disabilities in the French workforce by end-2023

Strengthening recruitment and process for recognising disability status




3.3 Societal Commitment: have a positive impact on our stakeholders as a leading software publisher

Axway’s CSR materiality matrix, updated every year based on surveys conducted with stakeholders, makes it possible to build programmes and deploy responsible and sustainable practices to meet the expectations of the various parties in the Company’s ecosystem. Societal programmes conducted in 2022 focused in priority on customer satisfaction and the deployment of Axway’s CSR commitments to its stakeholders and particularly its suppliers. Axway also developed its programmes promoting access to digital training and careers, through educational and social projects in line with the Employer targets described above.

3.3.1 Progress with Societal targets

Targets set in 2021

2022 context and programme

2021 Baseline

2022 Score

2023 Target

Net Promoter Score above 40 by end-2023

Continuous monitoring of customer NPS.




EcoVadis Gold label by end-2023

Annual assessment by EcoVadis.




Four female digital education programmes by end-2023

Revival and activation of programmes in different countries.

Three programmes to reactivate.

Six active programmes.

Target attained and continuation of programmes.

3.4Environmental Commitment: contribute to climate change mitigation

For the past five years, Axway has been committed to contributing to climate change mitigation. Work conducted to produce the carbon assessment published each year has enabled the approach to be structured into three stages: the measurement, reduction and ultimately the treatment of residual emissions from Axway’s activities through offset measures.

Encouraged by regulatory developments, the Company has learned much from the annual carbon assessments, which gradually strengthen the involvement of management and employees in the approach. Accordingly, at the end of 2021, under the impetus of the Chief Executive Officer, Axway embarked on a trajectory aimed at reducing its CO2 emissions as much as possible by 2028.

2022 was a new step in the implementation of this environmental commitment. Work made it possible to clarify the carbon assessment data and scopes, improve the measurement of CO2 emissions, particularly with suppliers, solicit new internal correspondents and communicate with employees to gradually initiate reduction measures.

Axway is therefore implementing a carbon system consistent with the climate targets set by the Paris Agreements, without resorting at this stage to financing third-party carbon offset, reduction or sequestration projects.

3.4.1Emission reductions

Initial roadmap for a low carbon trajectory

Axway has identified the key stages of its low carbon trajectory for the next three years, i.e. an initial horizon of 2025 which will be a major milestone. To this end, the Company has determined the necessary operational system, the tools to be developed and the skills to be acquired to achieve its objectives.

Axway also strengthened its methodology and reporting by drawing on the most reputed rating guidelines and labels. Axway therefore applies the ADEME reference guide and coefficients to calculate its carbon emissions. In 2022, the Company contributed for the first time to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and will analyse the interest of integrating SBTi guidance in 2023.

Carbon trajectory


The following table summarises the work undertaken in 2022 and identified for 2025 : 






Measurement and reduction

Measurement of scope 1 and 2 and partially 3 CO2 direct and indirect emissions from internal activities. 

Inclusion of top 100 suppliers, representing 75% of total purchases, measured in  CO2 equivalent ADEME monetary ratio.

Extension of the CO2 measurement scope to include scope 3 with 100% of suppliers (ADEME monetary ratio).



Comprehensive measure of all emissions for all Axway activities by gradually including the various stakeholders.

Axway global operational measurement and reduction system.

Initial analyses with a view to reducing emissions for internal activities.

Launch of reduction programmes for internal activities.

Initial analyses of the impact of Axway products used by its customers.

Continuation of reduction programmes for internal activities.

Mapping of emissions tied to Axway products and used by its customers.

Initial contributions to offset or carbon capture programmes. 

Creation of a dashboard to collect data and monitor emissions.

Improve tools and dashboard for managing programmes with a view to reducing emissions.

Centralised measurement and reduction tools by activity and emission source.

Integration of environmental criteria into purchasing choices relating to Axway product development.

Sustainable purchasing: analysis of the system.

Launch of a new sustainable purchasing system and update of tools shared internally and with suppliers.

Integration of environmental indicators into contractual purchasing tools.

100% of suppliers included in the sustainable purchasing process;

Green Taxonomy: proportion of so-called “sustainable” sales, OpEx and CapEx for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Green Taxonomy: proportion of so-called “sustainable” sales, OpEx and CapEx for the six environmental objectives.

Gradual inclusion of alignment criteria in Axway’s CapEx and OpEx investment decision process.

CDP: initial response to the simplified questionnaire based on 2021 data.

CDP: contribution to the full questionnaire.

SBTi: analyse with a view to committing to this standards base.

SBTi: progress with the project to integrate this standards base.

SBTi: progress with the project to integrate this standards base.

Internal team dedicated to the carbon programme

Changes in regulations or standard bases, particularly CSRD.

CSRD: changes in regulations or standard bases.

CSRD: changes in regulations or standard bases.

Communication with all employees.

First global Axway Cyber Clean-Up.

Employee involvement in environmental programmes. 

Second cyber clean-up.

Training sessions.

Interest in creating a CSR and Low-Carbon Community internally or with certain stakeholders.

Analyses for innovation or co-innovation to reduce CO2 emissions with employees or customers.


Corporate governance AFR / NFPS

Axway is subject to the laws, codes and regulations prevailing in the countries where the Group operates. The Company thus complies with the various recommendations issued by the Autorité des Marches Financiers (AMF - French Financial Markets Authority) and has decided to apply the Middlenext Code of Corporate Governance.

4.1Composition and procedures of the management and supervisory bodies

The Company is a public limited company (société anonyme) with a Board of Directors. It is governed by applicable French laws and regulations and its Articles of Association. The Board of Directors determines the overall business strategy of the Company, supervises its implementation and meets as often as the Company’s interests require it to do so, at the request of its Chairman.

Furthermore, on 22 June 2015, the Board of Directors decided to separate the functions of Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

The main provisions of the Articles of Association(1) relating to members of the Board of Directors and management bodies can be consulted on our Investors web page at https://investors.

4.1.1Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors comprises a minimum of three and a maximum of eighteen members. During the life of the Company, the directors are appointed, reappointed or dismissed by the Ordinary General Meeting; they are all eligible for re-election. Directors are appointed for a term of four (4) years.

The Board of Directors elects a Chairman from among its members, who must be a natural person for the appointment to be valid. The Board of Directors can dismiss him at any time.

Diversity is a point of specific concern in the composition of the Board of Directors:

With regards to independence, the Board seeks, each year, during the review of its composition, to ensure a good balance between independent and non-independent members.

With regards to parity, the aim is to move towards an equal number of men and women. Parity is also sought in the specialist committees.

The desire for Board members of different nationalities reflects the search for multicultural diversity. Finally, a diversity of skills is also a major factor in the composition of the Board of Directors. The essential skills to guarantee the good functioning of the Board of Directors include experience in the software publishing sector, financial expertise, expertise in international environments, as well as corporate governance expertise in listed family companies, to favour the leverage of assets for profitable and sustainable growth.

The Board wishes to extend this diversity policy to Axway’s top-level Management.

The Board of Directors comprises the following members:

Pierre Pasquier, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director



Sopra Steria Group SA

PAE Les Glaisins


74940 Annecy


Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019 and Board of Directors’ meeting of the same day.

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee: 100%


Pierre Pasquier has over 50 years’ experience in digital services and managing an international company. He founded Sopra group in 1968 with his partners and is Chairman of the Board of Directors.

A mathematics graduate from the University of Rennes, Pierre Pasquier began his career with Bull and was involved in the creation of Sogeti, before leaving to found Sopra. Recognised as a pioneer in the sector, he asserted from the outset the company’s entrepreneurial spirit, aimed at serving major customers through innovation and collective success.

Pierre Pasquier steered the deployment of Sopra in its vertical markets and internationally. The 1990 IPO, the successive growth phases and the transformational merger with the Steria group in 2014, ensured the independence of the company in a changing market.

In 2011, Pierre Pasquier led the IPO of the subsidiary Axway Software, remaining Chairman of the Board of Directors.

He was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sopra group until 20 August 2012, when the duties of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer were separated.

Pierre Pasquier is also Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sopra GMT, the financial holding company of Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director;
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors;
  • Director or company officer of non-French subsidiaries or sub-subsidiaries of Sopra Steria Group.
  • Chairman of Sopra Steria Group SA;
  • Director or company officer of non-French subsidiaries or sub-subsidiaries of Sopra Steria Group;
  • CEO of Sopra GMT.

Offices expired during the past five years:






Kathleen Clark-Bracco, Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Director



Sopra Steria Group SA

6, avenue Kleber

75116 Paris


Date of 1st appointment:

28/04/2011 Director

24/10/2013 Vice-Chairwoman

Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019 and Board of Directors’ meeting of the same day.

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee: 100%

Compensation Committee: 100%

Experience :

After a Master in Literature at the University of California (Irvine), Kathleen Clark Bracco began her professional career in the United States education sector. In 1998, she left Silicon Valley for France, where she joined Sopra and worked in the Communications Department. In 2002, she was appointed Director of Investor Relations, a position that she held until 2015. In this role, she forged solid ties between the Management bodies and an increasingly international range of shareholders.

Kathleen Clark Bracco was a key player in the successful spin-off of Axway. She joined the Board of Directors in 2011 and was appointed Vice-Chairman in 2013 and Chairwoman of the Appointments, Ethics and Governance Committee. She is also involved in several Group corporate initiatives, and notably initiatives focusing on fairness, the fight against corruption, ethics and employee share ownership.

In 2014, she contributed significantly to the successful merger of Sopra and Steria. In 2015, she became head of Sopra-Steria group mergers and acquisitions where she steers acquisition opportunities to complete the business portfolio in line with the strategy. This position favours the complementarity of strategies between the different Group companies.

Through these roles, her long experience in the Group and governance bodies, her knowledge of financial markets, her commitment to social and societal issues and her communications expertise, contribute to the good governance of Axway.

Enriched by her long-standing relationship with Group management, Kathleen Clark Bracco has also served as Deputy CEO of Sopra GMT since 2012.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director;
  • Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.
  • Permanent representative of Sopra GMT on the Board of Directors of Sopra Steria Group;
  • Deputy CEO of Sopra GMT;
  • Corporate Development Director Sopra Steria Group

Offices expired during the past five years:



Veronique de la Bachelerie, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of her duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019 and Board of Directors’ meeting of the same day.

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 88%

Audit Committee: 100%



Veronique de la Bachelerie was appointed a director following the resignation of Françoise Mercadal Delasalles. She retired on 1 February 2023 but began her career as a financial auditor before joining the Société Générale Group in 1987, where she held various management positions in Société Générale Group financial teams. She was also CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of the retail networks of the Société Générale Group in France. From 2013 to June 2018, she was CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Société Générale Bank & Trust Luxembourg group and held various terms of office as director within the subsidiaries of the Société Générale Group in Luxembourg, Switzerland, Monaco and Tunisia. From June 2018 to November 2022 she managed Société Générale Consulting and Transformation, the Société Générale Group’s internal consulting department. She is a graduate of the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris business school and is a French chartered accountant.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • Director or company officer of Société Générale Group non-French subsidiaries;
  • Chairwoman of the Audit Committee and member of the Investment Committee of the ESCP Foundation.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • Deputy Director of SGBT;
  • Director of the Luxembourg stock exchange;
  • President of AFCI (French Association of Internal Consultants)
  • Director of AIMC (American Association of Internal Management Consultants);
  • Executive Director of Société Générale Consulting and Transformation.



 Pierre-Yves Commanay, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of his duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 24 May 2022

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 88%

Compensation Committee: 100%

Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee: 100%

Experience :


Pierre-Yves Commanay has been a member of the Sopra Steria Group SA Executive Committee since 2009. At the beginning of April 2019, he was charged with developing consulting activities in the United Kingdom and he heads the Continental Europe division since 2011.

He has also had previous roles within the Group, which he joined in 1991. In particular, he headed the Research & Development division of a Software entity, before being appointed to develop the activities of Sopra UK as CEO of this subsidiary from 2009 to 2012. As Industrial Director of Sopra group India Pvt Ltd, Pierre-Yves Commanay was responsible for setting up the Group’s offshore platform.

Pierre-Yves Commanay is a graduate of the University of Lyon (DESS postgraduate diploma in Management) and the University of Savoie (Master’s degree in Information Technology).

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • Director of Sopra GMT.

Offices expired during the past five years:







Hervé Déchelette, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of his duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Audit Committee: 100%

Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee: 100%

Experience :


Hervé Déchelette has been with Sopra group SA for most of his career, where he was first Chief Financial Officer, before being appointed Company Secretary until 2008. He notably coordinated the financial transactions relating to the external growth of the Group’s companies.

Hervé Déchelette therefore brings to the Board of Directors his expertise in the digital services market and his financial expertise.

He is a graduate of the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris business school and is a French chartered accountant.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • None.

Offices expired during the past five years:






Nicole-Claude Duplessix, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of her duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 25 May 2021

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 75%

Compensation Committee: 100%

Experience :


Nicole-Claude Duplessix’s varied professional background provides a wealth of experience in IT. Nicole-Claude Duplessix started her career with the leading HR software publisher in France, ADP GSI, before joining the Sopra Steria Group. Her early work there was in HR consulting for Sopra Steria Group customers. She then supported the commitment made by Sopra Steria and its subsidiaries to its key customers in a number of industries. For seven years until the end of 2019, she was delegated by Executive Management to work on security for critical projects in complex and multicultural environments, as well as the integration of new companies acquired by the Sopra Steria Group.

With this wealth of experience in the Sopra Steria Group, Nicole-Claude Duplessix strengthens the Board’s expertise in investments and acquisitions, ethics and human resource management.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • None.

Offices expired during the past five years:






Emma Fernandez, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of her duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Compensation Committee: 100%

Experience :


Emma Fernandez has significant experience as a senior executive in the technology sector and particularly in ICT, security and defence, transport and traffic. She has occupied various positions during the past 25 years with Indra, in areas such as strategy, innovation and the development of new offerings, talent management, communication and product branding, public affairs, corporate governance, and corporate social and environmental responsibility, as well as mergers and acquisitions. Currently, she advises and promotes major companies and start-ups whose core business is IT.

Emma Fernandez has an engineering degree in telecoms from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and obtained an MBA from IE.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • Director of Metrovacesa SA;
  • Director of Effect Consultoria y soluciones digitales SL;
  • Director of Open Bank SA;
  • Director of Gigas Hosting SA.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • Director of ASTI Mobile Robotics Group SL (16/10/2017 to 02/08/2021);
  • Director of Grupo Ezentis SA (28/06/2016 to 26/06/2020);
  • Director of Sopra group SA (19/01/2017 to 12/06/2018);
  • Director of Kleinrock Advisors SL (until 2018).



Michael Gollner, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of his duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 25 May 2021

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Audit Committee: 80%

Experience :


With an MA in international studies from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Wharton School, Michael Gollner began his career in investment banking with Marine Midland Bank from 1985 to 1987, Goldman Sachs from 1989 to 1994 and Lehman Brothers from 1994 to 1999. In 1999, he joined Citigroup Venture Capital, which later became Court Square Capital, as Managing Director Europe. He founded an investment company, Operating Capital Partners, in London in 2008. As Managing Partner, Michael Gollner accompanies the development of a portfolio of companies, most often in the technologies, media or cable sectors.

Michael Gollner founded Madison Sports Group in 2013 and was the Executive Chairman. He was also the founding shareholder of Levelset in 2012 and a director. Mr. Gollner sold his investments in these two companies in 2021.

Michael Gollner brings to the Board his Anglo-Saxon financial insight and significant investment in the operating activities of the companies he manages or assists.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director
  • Director of Sopra Steria Group SA.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • Director of Levelset, Inc. (November 2021);
  • Executive Chairman of Madison Sports Group Limited (July 2020).



Helen Louise Heslop, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of her duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 88%

Audit Committee: 100%

Experience :


Helen Louise Heslop has significant experience in the Finance industry, specifically in international Banking and Insurance.

In particular, she has been Chief Financial Officer of several GE Capital subsidiaries and regions in France, Thailand and Sweden and led the Aviva group European transformation project.

She is currently a director of several companies in the banking and insurance sector in the United Kingdom.

Helen Louise Heslop graduated in Economics from the University of Cambridge and is a UK Statutory Auditor.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director. 
  • Director of Hiscox Insurance Company Limited;
  • Director of Aegon in the UK;
  • Director of Silicon Valley Bank;
  • Director of Wefox in Switzerland.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • Promontoria MMB.





Pascal Imbert, Director



Wavestone Tour Franklin

100-101, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Compensation Committee: 100%

Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee: 100%

Experience :


Pascal Imbert began his career in Télésystemes’ Research & Development department in 1980, with the Orange/France Télécom subsidiary. In 1990, he co-founded the consulting firm Wavestone. Today, he continues to lead its development as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Wavestone is a management and information systems consulting firm, which assists major companies and institutions with their transformation when faced with competition, digital and sustainable development challenges. Wavestone has been listed on the Euronext Paris market since 2000.

Pascal Imbert is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris engineering schools.

He was Chairman of Middlenext, an association representing midcaps in France, from 2010 to 2014. He teaches master classes at major engineering and management schools.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Wavestone.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • None.





Yann Metz-Pasquier, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of his duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 24 May 2022

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Audit Committee: 100%

Experience :


Yann Metz-Pasquier cofounded Upfluence, an all-in-one affiliate & influencer marketing cloud platform dedicated to eCommerce, in San Francisco (CA) in 2013. He was Chief Financial Officer from 2013 to 2016 and is still a Director of the company. In 2018, Yann Metz-Pasquier joined Sopra Banking Software as head of Corporate Development for North America. 

He then served as Chief Marketing Officer from 2018 to 2022. Since 2021, Yann Metz-Pasquier has been the General Manager (Executive Vice-President) of the global business unit in charge of Digital Banking solutions at Sopra Banking Software. 

Yann holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard Business School (May 2018). He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and graduated in 2011 from the Catholic University of Lyon (ESDES) with a Master's in Management.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • Director of Sopra GMT;
  • Director of Upfluence Inc.;
  • Board Observer at Algoan.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • Board Observer at Axway until 6 June 2018.





Marie Hélène Rigal-Drogerys, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of her duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 24 May 2022

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Audit Committee: 100%

Experience :


A science graduate, Marie-Hélène Rigal-Drogerys has a good understanding of the field of higher education, research and innovation and more broadly the public sector, that she combines with an operational and executive approach to strategy and organisation.

With a PhD in Mathematics and a post-graduate diploma in theoretical physics, Marie-Hélène Rigal-Drogerys began her professional career as a research professor at the University of Montpellier, then at École Normale Supérieure (ENS) Lyon. In 1998 she joined the financial audit sector, where she worked for major clients in the manufacturing, services and public sectors.

Marie-Hélène Rigal-Drogerys then focused her career on consulting, as consultant partner at Ask-Partners. As an advisor to the Chairman of the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon, since 2009, she has accompanied, both internally and externally, companies and organisations in their transition to new models within transformation ecosystems.

She also uses her expertise in her duties as Director of Sopra Steria Group and Chairwoman of its Audit Committee and as an Expert member of the Advisory Board of IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux engineering school and as a director at Chapter Zero France, a climate forum for business directors.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • Director of Sopra Steria Group SA;
  • Expert member of the Advisory Board of IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux engineering school;
  • Director of Chapter Zero France.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • Advisor to the Chairman - École Normale Supérieure Lyon site policy.



Hervé Saint-Sauveur, Director



Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of his duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Audit Committee: 100%

Experience :


Hervé Saint-Sauveur was a member of Sopra group SA’s Board of Directors from June 2003 to June 2018 where he acted as Chairman of the Audit Committee. Hervé Saint-Sauveur joined Societe Generale in 1973: first within the Economic Research Department (1973), then as Director of Financial Control (1980-1984), Managing Director of Europe Computer Systems (1985-1990), Operations Manager, Capital Markets Department (1990-1994), Group CFO and Strategy Manager and Member of the Executive Committee (1995-2002) and Adviser to the Chairman (2003-2006).

He is a graduate of both the École Polytechnique and the École Nationale de la Statistique et de I’Administration Économique engineering schools.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • None.

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • Director of Sopra Steria Group SA.





Yves de Talhouët, Director

AXW2019_URD_ADMIN_de Talhouet_HD.png


Axway Software

Tour W, 102, Terrasse Boieldieu 92085 Paris La Défense Cedex France (only in the context of his duties in Axway Software)

Date of 1st appointment:


Date of most recent renewal:

General Meeting of 5 June 2019

Attendance rate:

Board of Directors: 100%

Compensation Committee: 100%

Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee: 100%

Experience :


Yves de Talhouët has been the Chairman of Faiencerie de Gien since 2014. He was previously Chief Executive Officer of EMEA HP from May 2011 and Chairman and CEO of HP France from 2006. Prior to that, from 1997 to 2004, he was Vice-President South Europe, Middle East and Africa at Schlumberger SEMA, before two years spent at Oracle France from 2004 to 2006 as Chairman and CEO. He was also Chairman of Devotech, a company that he created.

Yves de Talhouët is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications engineering schools and the Paris Political Science Institute.

Offices and duties held during the fiscal year:

In Axway

Outside Axway

  • Director.
  • Director of KWERIAN (formerly TWENGA);
  • Director of Tinubu;
  • Director of Sopra Steria Group SA;
  • Chief Executive Officer of TABAG;
  • Board Observer of Castillon;
  • Chairman of Faïenceries de Gien (2014).

Offices expired during the past five years:

  • CEO of EMEA HP;
  • Director of Devoteam.





Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors in the year ended 31 December 2022




Marie-Hélène Rigal-Drogerys

Pierre-Yves Commanay and Yann Metz-Pasquier







Board of Directors
AXW2023_URD_EN_G031_HD.png relationships

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, at the date of this Universal Registration Document, the only existing family relationships were those between:

  • Yann Metz-Pasquier and Pierre Pasquier;
  • Pierre-Yves Commanay and Pierre Pasquier;
  • Yann Metz-Pasquier and Pierre-Yves Commanay. information

At the date of this Universal Registration Document and to the best of the Company’s knowledge, none of the members of the Board of Directors or management have been:

  • convicted of fraud in the past five years;
  • declared bankrupt or placed into receivership or liquidation in the past five years;
  • incriminated and/or issued an official public sanction by statutory or regulatory authorities in the past five years.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, none of the company officers have been prevented by the courts from acting as a member of an issuer’s administrative, management or supervisory body or from being involved in an issuer’s management or the conduct of its business in the past five years. of interest within administrative and management bodies

The Company maintains significant relationships for its business, control, strategy and development with Sopra GMT, the lead holding company. Pierre Pasquier is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sopra GMT and the Pasquier family holds a 68.27% interest in the share capital.

Sopra GMT controls the Company as a result of its direct and indirect holding of more than half of the Company’s share capital (55.69%) and 65.53% of its voting rights (see Chapter 7, Section 7.2). Sopra GMT therefore exercises considerable influence over the Company’s business, strategy and development.

Furthermore, a framework assistance agreement was entered into with Sopra GMT, under which Sopra GMT provides a considerable number of services involving the Axway Software strategy and the potential synergies with Sopra Steria Group (see Chapter 4, Section 4.2). Pursuant to the procedure applicable to regulated agreements, this agreement, and its extension, were submitted to the Board of Directors and the General Shareholders’ Meeting for approval prior to being signed.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, these relationships are not liable to constitute conflicts of interest.

It should also be noted that:

  • Axway’s Board of Directors includes nine (9) independent directors, selected at its meeting held on 26 January 2023, in accordance with Recommendation No. 3 of the Middlenext Code of Corporate Governance;
  • The directors are bound by the obligation to protect the interests of the Company and comply with the rules set out in the internal regulations of the Board of Directors and any other rules contributing to good governance as defined in the Middlenext Code of Corporate Governance (Code of Ethics for Board members). Moreover, the Board of Directors’ internal regulations stipulate in Title 7 “Ethics” that: “Any member of the Board of Directors finding himself in a situation of conflict of interest or potential conflict of Interest, due notably to the offices they hold with another company, must report this situation to the Appointments, Ethics and Governance Committee as rapidly as possible, explaining the issue encountered and detailing the reasons for the existence of the actual or potential conflict of interest. […]. The Chairman of the Board, having regard to the opinion of the Appointments, Ethics and Governance Committee, asks the relevant member of the Board of Directors not to take part In the deliberations and/or not to attend the Board of Directors’ meeting”;
  • the members of the Board of Directors undertake to report, prior to each Board meeting and depending on the agenda, any potential conflicts of interest and to not take part in deliberations or votes on any subjects where they have a conflict of interest.


Employment contract

pension plan

Indemnities or benefits due or likely to become due on the termination of service or a change of duties

Indemnities relating to a non-compete clause

Executive officers









Pierre Pasquier


Start of term of office:

Board of Directors meeting of 5 June 2019

End of term of office:

General Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2022









Patrick Donovan

Chief Executive Officer

Start of term of office: 6 April 2018








X on transactions in securities by senior executives and those persons mentioned in Article L. 621-18-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Pursuant to Article 223-26 of the AMF General Regulations, the following transactions involving Axway shares fell within the scope of Article L. 621-18-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code during the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022:




Transaction type(2)

Transaction date

Number of securities

Unit price

Transaction amount

Chief Executive Officer

Patrick Martin Donovan







(1) Category a. Members of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Sole Executive Officer, Managing Director.

(2) Transaction type: A. Acquisition; D. Disposal; S. Subscription; E. Exchange.

4.2Regulated agreements and assessment of everyday agreements

4.2.1Agreements approved in previous years which had continuing effect during the year

The sole agreement approved in previous years with continuing effect during the year ended 31 December 2022 is described below:

Agreement between Axway Software and Sopra GMT

The support agreement between Sopra GMT on the one hand, and the Company and Sopra Steria Group SA on the other, defines Sopra GMT’s role as the financial holding company for these two companies. This agreement, which was initially entered into on 1 July 2011, for a period of two (2) years and then renewed in July 2013, has been amended to make it an open-ended agreement, which may be cancelled by giving twelve (12) months prior notice, in writing. This agreement aims to improve strategic planning and general policy coordination between the Sopra Steria Group and the Company, in particular, by developing synergies subsequent to the spin-off of Axway Software, as well as providing the Company with support and consultancy services.

The Board of Directors’ meeting of 26 January 2023 unanimously approved (with abstention of relevant directors) (i) the continuation of the authorisation previously granted and (ii) the payment of €1,167,536.64 to Sopra GMT for services rendered in the year ended 31 December 2022.

4.3Code of Corporate Governance

The Company decided to adopt the recommendations of the Middlenext Code of Corporate Governance for small and midcaps updated in September 2021 (available on the Middlenext website:, due to its compatibility with the size of the Company and its capital structure.

The Board of Directors has reviewed the principles of this Code.

A summary table of directors qualified as independent under the criteria used by the Middlenext Code is presented in Chapter 4, Section 4.1.

The Company applies the majority of recommendations included in the Middlenext Code and intends to adapt its internal process on a gradual basis with each passing fiscal year. However, for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022, the application status of the Code’s recommendations is as follows:


Purpose of the recommendation



Board member ethical requirements



Conflicts of interest



Composition of the Board - Independent directors



Board member information



Board member training



Organisation of Board and Committee meetings



Creation of Committees



Introduction of a CSR special committee



Introduction of Board internal regulations



Selection of directors



Term of office of Members of the Board



Directors’ compensation



Introduction of an assessment of the Board’s work



Relations with shareholders



Axway diversity and equity policy



Definition and transparency of the compensation of executive officers



Preparation of succession plans for senior executives



Combination of employment contract and directorship



Severance pay



Supplementary pension plan



Stock options and free share grants





Application of recommendations

Recommendation no. 5

Following the update of the Code in 2021, directors were made aware of the need to prepare a three-year training plan and committed to doing so over the year.

The Company’s Legal Department currently monitors developments and keeps Board members and Management informed of all regulatory changes relating to corporate governance and/or impacting the Company’s activities. An annual summary of legal developments is also prepared, highlighting major legislative changes during the year and their implementation and enabling expected upcoming developments to be anticipated.

From a review of the subjects covered by Middlenext in its directors training catalogue since 2021, it would appear that Axway directors and senior executives had the opportunity to raise and discuss all these subjects during Board and Committee meetings in 2021 and 2022.

With regard to specific matters relating to the Company’s activities, each new product is explained to directors by Executive Management during Board and Committee meetings.

Given the measures already implemented for directors and their experience and seniority in Axway, we indicated in 2021 that we partially complied with this recommendation.

In 2022, additional measures were implemented for Board members and management, with the provision of:

  • a shared space containing, by topic, the applicable regulatory texts, presentations made or documents communicated to Board and/or Committee meetings on issues relating to corporate governance and/or impacting the Company’s activities. This space is kept up-to-date by the Legal Department and the Company Secretary;
  • training modules on Axway products via the Axway University;
  • a catalogue of additional training courses provided by third-party bodies.

Given the above, Axway complies fully with recommendation no. 5 of the Middlenext Code.

4.4Compensation and benefits

4.4.1Compensation components paid or awarded to executive officers in respect of the year ended 31 December 2022

The following developments, which form an integral part of the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance, are presented in accordance with Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 22-10-34 II and III of the French Commercial Code, shareholders will be asked to approve the compensation of company officers presented below and the compensation components paid or awarded to executive officers.

This Section presents, for each company officer, the compensation components paid or awarded in respect of the previous fiscal year, in accordance with the compensation policy approved by the Company’s Combined General Meeting of 24 May 2022. components paid or awarded to directors in respect of their duties for the year ended 31 December 2022

The Company’s Combined General Meeting of 24 May 2022, in the 7th resolution, decided to grant directors compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code of €330,000 for the year ended 31 December 2022.

The following table presents the compensation paid to directors for their duties in respect of the past three fiscal years.

Summary of compensation referred to in Article L 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code and other compensation received by company officers for their duties in Axway

Company officer

Amounts due in fiscal year 2022*

Amounts due in fiscal year 2021*

Amounts due in fiscal year 2020*













Pierre Pasquier
































Other compensation
















Hervé Saint-Sauveur
































Other compensation
















Hervé Déchelette
































Other compensation
















Pascal Imbert
































Other compensation
















Kathleen Clark Bracco
































Other compensation
















Pierre-Yves Commanay
































Other compensation
















Nicole-Claude Duplessix
































Other compensation
















Véronique de la Bachelerie
































Other compensation
















Michael Gollner
































Other compensation
















Yves de Talhouët
































Other compensation
















Yann Metz-Pasquier
































Other compensation
















Emma Fernandez
































Other compensation
















Helen Louise Heslop
































Other compensation
















Marie-Hélène Rigal-Drogerys
































Other compensation
































* The amounts stated in this table are gross amounts in euros.

(1) Compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-4 of the French Commercial Code.




There are currently no service agreements or employment contracts between the Company and the directors.

With the exception of Pierre Pasquier, Chairman of the Board of Directors, whose compensation components for his duties as Chairman of the Board of Directors are presented below, the directors do not receive any compensation from the Company for their duties, other than the compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code. components paid or awarded to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in respect of his duties for the year ended 31 December 2022

The fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits in kind paid or granted in the past year to Pierre Pasquier, Chairman of the Board of Directors, for his term of office, determined in accordance with the compensation principles and criteria approved by the General Meeting of 24 May 2022 are as follows:

Compensation paid or granted during the year then ended

Amounts or accounting valuation submitted to vote


Fixed compensation


(Gross amount paid)

Fixed compensation was determined based on the work and challenges addressed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, in the context of his duties in Axway Software.

Variable compensation


Not applicable

Compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code


Compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code is calculated in accordance with the compensation policy applicable to directors.

Benefits in kind


Not applicable components paid or awarded to the Chief Executive Officer in respect of his duties for the year ended 31 December 2022

The fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits in kind paid during the past year or awarded in respect of this same year to Patrick Donovan, Chief Executive Officer, for his term of office, determined in accordance with the compensation principles and criteria approved by the General Meeting of 24 May 2022 are as follows:

Compensation paid or granted 
during the year then ended

Amounts or accounting valuation submitted to vote


Fixed compensation


(Gross amount paid)


Annual variable compensation


(Gross amount to be paid after approval by General Meeting)

(including, where necessary, the deferred portion of this compensation)

Variable compensation is based on quantitative criteria:

  • 70% based on the combination of organic growth and operating profitability. This percentage may be increased to 140% in the event of notable outperformance;

non-financial qualitative criteria:

  • 5% based on the employee engagement indicator;
  • 5% based on the NPS customer satisfaction indicator;
  • 5% based on the drafting of a plan to achieve carbon neutrality;

a strategic qualitative criteria:

  • 15% based on refocusing the product portfolio on profitable and/or growing business offerings.

Free share grant

Shares = €1,020,541

(Accounting valuation)

30,000 performance share rights (representing potentially 0.14% of the Company’s share capital), subject to the effective presence of the Chief Executive Officer and certain criteria based on the combination of organic revenue growth and operating profitability and growth in Amplify API revenue. This grant was performed pursuant to the 33rd resolution adopted by the Combined General Meeting of 5 June 2019.

Severance pay and indemnities for a change of duties

No indemnities are payable in respect of the fiscal year


Benefits in kind


Not applicable of compensation received by executive officers in respect of recent fiscal years

In accordance with position-recommendation 2014-14 amended on 25 July 2019 and the recommendations of the new Middlenext Code of Corporate Governance, the table below shows the compensation received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Pierre Pasquier, and the Axway Group Chief Executive Officer for the past three fiscal years:

Summary of compensation, stock options and shares awarded to each executive officer in Axway

(gross amounts in euros)




Pierre Pasquier




Compensation payable in respect of the fiscal year




Valuation of multi-year variable compensation awarded during the fiscal year




Valuation of options awarded during the fiscal year




Valuation of free shares granted




Patrick Donovan




Compensation payable in respect of the fiscal year




Valuation of multi-year variable compensation awarded during the fiscal year




Valuation of options awarded during the fiscal year




Valuation of free shares granted during the fiscal year




Free shares granted under the Free Share Grant Plan (number of shares)




Summary of the compensation received by each executive officer in respect of their duties in Axway

(gross amounts in euros)



Amount due

Amount paid

Amount due

Amount paid

Pierre Pasquier





Fixed compensation





Variable compensation





Multi-year variable compensation





Exceptional compensation





Compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code(1)





Value of benefits in kind










Patrick Donovan





Fixed compensation(2)





Variable compensation(2)(3)





Multi-year variable compensation





Exceptional compensation





Compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code





Value of benefits in kind










(1) Fixed compensation and compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code are paid by Axway Software.

(2) Fixed and variable compensation and benefits In kind are paid by Axway Inc., in US dollars. The exchange rate used for this table at 31 December 2022 was €1 = $1.05305 and the rate applied at 31 December 2021 was €1 = $1.18274.

(3) Variable compensation is 70% dependent on quantitative criteria and 30% dependent on qualitative criteria. Rule of 40 (R40) criteria are applied to determine the amount of variable compensation based on quantitative criteria. The attainment levels for each of these quantitative and qualitative criteria have been precisely determined, however they cannot be disclosed due to confidentiality reasons.

Pierre Pasquier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sopra GMT, Axway Software’s holding company, received from this company fixed compensation of €130,000 in respect of his duties, in addition to compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code in respect of his office of €14,400 for 2022. This compensation is not reinvoiced to the Company. Furthermore, as stated in the Sopra Steria Group Universal Registration Document, he also received fixed compensation of €500,000 as Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company and compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code in respect of his office of €26,891 for 2022.

Share subscription options awarded to company officers since their appointment

The company officers did not receive stock options when the different plans were set up.

Stock options awarded to each executive officer by the issuer and by all Axway companies during the fiscal year

During the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022, no stock options were granted to executive officers.

Stock options exercised during the fiscal year by each executive officer

No stock options granted to executive officers were exercised during the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022. Prior to his appointment, the Company’s current Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Donovan, was the Group’s Chief Financial Officer and, as such, was granted subscription options as part of the stock option plans allocated to key executives.

Past free share grants


2022 Plan

2021 Plan

2020 Plan




Date of General Meeting




Date of Board of Directors’ meeting




Total number of free shares granted, of which to:




Patrick Donovan, Chief Executive Officer




Share vesting date

31 March 2025

31 March 2024

31 March 2023

Lock-in period end date

30% of shares to be held until cessation of duties

30% of shares to be held until cessation of duties

30% of shares to be held until cessation of duties

Number of shares vested at 31 December 2022




Cumulative number of shares cancelled or lapsed




Number of free shares remaining at the reporting date




Consolidated financial statements AFR

5.1 Consolidated income statement

(in thousands of euros)










Employee costs





External expenses





Taxes and duties





Depreciation, amortisation, provisions and impairment





Other current operating income and expenses





Profit on operating activities





as % of revenue





Share-based payment expense





Amortisation of allocated intangible assets





Profit from recurring operations





as % of revenue





Other operating income and expenses





Operating profit





as % of revenue





Costs of net financial debt





Other financial income and expense





Income tax expense





Profit for the year from continuing operations





Profit for the year





as % of revenue





of which share attributable to non-controlling interests





of which share attributable to owners of the Company





Net income per share – attributable to owners of the Company

(in euros)





Basic earnings per share





Fully diluted earnings per share





5.2 Statement of comprehensive income

(in thousands of euros)





Consolidated profit for the year





Other comprehensive income:





Actuarial gains and losses on pension plans





Tax impact





Sub-total items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss





Share attributable to non-controlling interests





Exchange differences on translating foreign operations





Sub-total items that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss





Total other comprehensive income net of tax





Total comprehensive income





of which share attributable to non-controlling interests





of which share attributable to owners of the Company





5.3 Consolidated statement of financial position


(in thousands of euros)










Intangible assets





Property, plant and equipment





Lease right-of-use assets





Non-current financial and other assets





Deferred tax assets





Non-current assets





Trade receivables





Other current receivables





Cash and cash equivalents





Current assets





Total assets





5.4 Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(in thousands of euros)

Share capital

Capital reserves

Treasury shares

Reserves and consolidated profit

Other comprehen-
sive income

Attributable to:


 of the Company

controlling interests

Equity at 31 December 2020









Capital transactions









Share-based payments









Transactions in treasury shares









Ordinary dividends









Changes in scope of consolidation









Other movements









Transactions with shareholders









Profit for the year









Other comprehensive income









Total comprehensive income for the year









Equity at 31 December 2021









Capital transactions









Share-based payments









Transactions in treasury shares









Ordinary dividends









Changes in scope of consolidation









Other movements









Transactions with shareholders









Profit for the year









Other comprehensive income









Total comprehensive income for the year









Equity at 31 December 2022









5.5 Consolidated statement of cash flows

(in thousands of euros)





Consolidated net income (including share attributable to non-controlling interests)





Net charges to depreciation, amortisation and provisions





Share-based payment expense





Gains and losses on disposal





Cash from operations after cost of net financial debt and tax





Costs of net financial debt





Income tax expense (including deferred tax)





Cash from operations before cost of net financial debt and tax (A)





Tax paid (B)





Changes to operating working capital requirements (including liabilities related to employee benefits) (C)





Net cash from operating activities (D) = (A + B + C)





Purchases of intangible assets and PP&E





Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets and PP&E





Impact of changes in the scope of consolidation





Change in loans and advances grand





Other cash flows from investing activities





Net cash from (used in) investing activities (E)





Proceeds from the exercise of stock options





Purchases and proceeds from disposal of treasury shares





Dividends paid to shareholders of the parent company





Proceeds from borrowings





Repayment of borrowings





Change in lease liabilities





Net interest paid (including finance leases)





Other cash flow relating to financing activities





Net cash from (used in) financing activities (F)





Effect of foreign exchange rate changes (G)





Net change in cash and cash equivalents (D + E + F + G)





Opening cash position





Closing cash position





5.6 Notes to the consolidated financial statements


This is the twelfth publication for the Axway Group since its IPO on the NYSE Euronext in Paris on 14 June 2011.

The Board of Directors’ meeting of 22 February 2023 approved the consolidated financial statements of the Group for fiscal year 2022.

The Notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

5.7Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements

This is a translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements of the Company issued in French and it is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking users.

This Statutory Auditors’ report includes information required by French law, such as information about the appointment of the Statutory Auditors or verification of the management report and other documents provided to shareholders.

This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France

Year ended 31 December 2022

To the General Meeting of Axway Software,


In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your General Meeting, we have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Axway Software for the year ended 31 December 2022.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2022 and of the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report to the Audit Committee.

Basis for opinion
Audit framework

We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements Section of our report.


We conducted our audit engagement in compliance with independence requirements of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) and the French Code of Ethics (code de deontologie) for Statutory Auditors, for the period from 1 January 2022 to the date of our report, and specifically we did not provide any prohibited non-audit services referred to in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014.

Justification of our assessments – Key audit matters

In accordance with the requirements of Articles L. 823-9 and R. 823-7 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) relating to the justification of our assessments, we inform you of the key audit matters relating to risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period, as well as how we addressed those risks.

These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on specific items of the financial statements.

Revenue recognition for licenses and Customer Managed Subscription contracts

(Note 4.1.1 to the consolidated financial statements)

Risk identified

The Group’s activity comprises several business lines including license sales and sales of Customer Managed Subscription contracts. At 31 December 2022, the Group’s licensing revenue amounted to €11.6 million, representing 3.7% of consolidated revenue. Customer Managed Subscription revenue amounted to €154 million, representing 49% of consolidated revenue.

As a rule, licensing revenue is recognised immediately upon delivery, which is considered completed when all contractual obligations have been fulfilled, i.e. when any remaining services to be provided are non-material and not liable to call into question the customer’s acceptance of goods supplied.

Sometimes, contracts comprising multiple components (license, maintenance, ancillary services, etc.) may be negotiated on a fixed-price basis. In this situation, the amount of revenue attributable to the license is equal to the difference between the total contract amount and the fair value of the other performance obligations.

Customer Managed Subscription contracts are a hybrid offer comprising three separate performance obligations: License, Maintenance and Subscription. The contract price must be allocated to each performance obligation and revenue is recognised in accordance with the method applicable to each obligation.

In this context, the audit risks concern in particular the correct separation of fiscal years and the rules and procedures for apportioning revenue to the different performance obligations.

Revenue recognition for these business lines is considered a key audit matter in view of their material significance in the Group’s financial statements, and, in particular, their impact on operating profit.

Our response

Our audit approach is based on the assessment of the internal control procedures put in place by the Group in order to verify the measurement, comprehensiveness and proper separation of fiscal years for licensing revenue and Customer Managed Subscription, as well as substantive audit procedures.

Our work included the following, in particular:

  • reviewing the design of internal control and testing the effectiveness of key controls in the revenue recognition procedure;
  • conducting substantive tests, by sampling or other selection methods, on the revenue from licensing contracts and Customer Management Subscription contracts signed during the fiscal year in order to verify the reality and measurement of revenue, and the correct separation of fiscal years.

In particular, we reconciled the recognised amount with the contract data, and verified the application of the procedure for apportioning the price of multiple-component contracts among the different performance obligations.

We examined the proof of delivery and the terms and procedures for payment.

We also assessed the appropriateness of the disclosures in Note 4.1.1 to the consolidated financial statements.

Measurement and impairment of goodwill

(Notes 8.1 and 8.2 to the consolidated financial statements)

Risk identified

For the purposes of its development, the Group has conducted targeted external growth operations entailing recognition of several goodwill items.

These goodwill items, corresponding to the difference between the price paid and the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, are described in Note 8.1 to the consolidated financial statements. This goodwill is allocated to the sole cash generating unit (CGU) identified in the Axway Group, namely the Group itself.

Management ensures at each year-end, and whenever indication of an impairment loss is identified, that the net carrying amount of such goodwill, recognised in the balance sheet at €348.3 million at 31 December 2021, and at €297.8 million at 31 December 2022, is not greater than its recoverable amount.

A cash generating unit’s recoverable amount is the higher of its fair value (generally market value) less costs to sell, and its value-in-use. The value-in-use is determined by discounting future cash flows. The Impairment test procedure applied and details of the assumptions adopted are presented in Note 8.2. At 31 December 2022, the Impairment test performed did not identify any impairment loss on the goodwill recognised.

The determination of the recoverable amount of goodwill, which is particularly material with regard to the balance sheet total, relies very largely on management judgement; this concerns in particular the definition of the cash generating units, the perpetual growth rate adopted for the cash flow forecasts and the discount rate applied. We therefore considered the measurement of goodwill and the implementation of Impairment tests as a key audit matter.

Our response

Our work included the following, in particular:

  • examining the compliance of the methodology applied by the Group with current accounting standards and, in particular, ascertaining whether the allocation of the assets to the sole CGU identified is comprehensive;
  • verifying that fair value less costs to sell is based on the closing share price;
  • assessing the reasonableness of the assumptions used to determine future cash flows with regard to operating data and in light of the economic and financial context in which the Group operates;
  • assessing, with the support of our valuation experts, the consistency of all components of the perpetual growth rate and discount rate;
  • analysing the sensitivity of the value-in-use determined by management to changes in the main assumptions adopted.

Lastly, we verified the appropriateness of disclosures in Notes 8.1 and 8.2.

Recoverability of deferred tax assets in respect of tax loss carryforwards

(Note 6.4 to the consolidated financial statements)

Risk identified

At 31 December 2022, eligible tax losses carried forward amounted to €307.3 million. The Group recognised deferred tax assets in the balance sheet amounting to €35.4 million in respect of these tax loss carryforwards.

The Group recognises deferred tax using the balance sheet liability method based on temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements and their tax base. Deferred tax assets relating to tax losses carried forward are recognised if the subsidiaries or the tax consolidation group are likely to have sufficient taxable profits to offset against them.

We considered the recognition and assessment of the recoverability of these deferred tax assets to be a key audit matter, in view of their material amount in the Group financial statements and as the recoverable amount is determined based in particular on future profit forecasts, founded on assumptions, estimates and management assessments.

Our response

We obtained details of the deferred tax assets and taxable profit forecasts for Axway Software, Axway Inc. and Axway Ireland. On the basis of this information, we conducted the following procedures:

  • we reviewed the calculations and assessed the reasonableness of the main estimates, particularly for the forecasts of future taxable profits;
  • we analysed the consistency of the forecasts with the historic performance, transfer pricing policies and the assumptions used to determine the value-in-use of the sole CGU;
  • we reviewed the various taxation rates used to determine the deferred tax assets, notably in France and the United States.

Lastly, we verified the appropriateness of disclosures in Note 6.4.

Specific verifications

As required by law, we have also verified in accordance with professional standards applicable in France the information pertaining to the Group presented in the Board of Directors’ management report.

We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and its consistency with the consolidated financial statements.

We attest that the consolidated non-financial performance statement required by Article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code is included in the information pertaining to the Group presented in the Group management report. It is specified that, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 823-10 of this Code, we have not verified the fair presentation and the consistency with the consolidated financial statements of the information contained therein, which should be reported on by an independent third party.

Other legal and regulatory verifications or information
Format of presentation of the consolidated financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report

We have also verified, in accordance with the professional standard applicable in France relating to the procedures performed by the statutory auditor relating to the annual and consolidated financial statements presented in the European single electronic format, that the presentation of the consolidated financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report mentioned in Article L. 451-1-2, I of the French Monetary and Financial Code (code monetaire et financier), prepared under the responsibility of Chief Executive Officer, complies with the single electronic format defined in the European Delegated Regulation No 2019/815 of 17 December 2018. As it relates to consolidated financial statements, our work includes verifying that the tagging of these consolidated financial statements complies with the format defined in the above delegated regulation.

Based on the work we have performed, we conclude that the presentation of the consolidated financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report complies, in all material respects, with the European single electronic format.

Due to the technical limits inherent to the macro-tagging of consolidated financial statements in accordance with the European single electronic format, it is possible that the content of certain tags in the notes to the consolidated financial statements are not presented in an identical manner to the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

Furthermore, we have no responsibility to verify that the consolidated financial statements that will ultimately be included by your Company in the annual financial report filed with the AMF are in agreement with those on which we have performed our work.

Appointment of the Statutory Auditors

Both Aca Nexia and Mazars were appointed Statutory Auditors of Axway Software by the General Meeting of 18 December 2000.

At 31 December 2022, ACA Nexia and Mazars had held office as auditors for 22 continuous years, of which 12 years since the Company’s securities were admitted for trading on a regulated market.

Responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the consolidated financial statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless it is expected to liquidate the Company or to cease operations.

The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial reporting process and the effectiveness of internal control and risks management systems and where applicable, its internal audit, regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures.

The consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors.

Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Objectives and audit approach

Our role is to issue a report on the consolidated financial statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As specified in Article L. 823-10-1 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce), our statutory audit does not include assurance on the viability of the Company or the quality of management of the affairs of the Company.

As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the statutory auditor exercises professional judgement throughout the audit and furthermore:

  • identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, designs and performs audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtains audit evidence considered to be sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for his opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;
  • obtains an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control;
  • evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management in the consolidated financial statements;
  • assesses the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. This assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of his audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern. If the statutory auditor concludes that a material uncertainty exists, there is a requirement to draw attention in the audit report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are not provided or inadequate, to modify the opinion expressed therein;
  • evaluates the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements and assesses whether these statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation;
  • obtains sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. The statutory auditor is responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the audit of the consolidated financial statements and for the opinion expressed on these consolidated financial statements.

Annual financial statements AFR

6.1 Balance Sheet

Assets (in thousands of euros)





Intangible assets





Property, plant and equipment





Financial investments





Non-current assets





Trade receivables





Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income





Marketable securities and Cash and cash equivalents





Current assets





Total assets





Equity and liabilities (in thousands of euros)





Share capital















Retained earnings





Net profit (loss) for the year





Tax-driven provisions















Financial debt





Trade accounts payables





Tax and employee-related payables





Other liabilities, accruals and deferred income










Total equity and liabilities





6.2 Income Statement

(in thousands of euros)





Net revenue





Other operating income





Operating income





Purchases consumed





Employee costs





Other operating expenses





Taxes and duties





Depreciation, amortisation, provisions and impairment





Operating expenses





Operating profit (loss)





Financial income and expense





Pre-tax profit (loss) on ordinary activities





Exceptional income and expense





Employee profit-sharing and incentive schemes





Income tax expense





Net profit (loss)





6.3 Notes to the 2022 annual financial statements

6.3.1 Significant events, accounting policies and valuation rules Significant events
Free share plan

Each year, Axway Software SA distributes free shares to employees subject either to a condition of presence or a condition of presence and performance conditions.

In March 2022, the LTI AOA, WW free share and Executive Committee plans expired and the shares were delivered. An employee expense of €403 thousand was recognised in respect of these shares.

For the plans expiring in 2023 and beyond, it was decided to continue purchasing shares on the stock market via CM-CIC. The cost of this transaction at 31 December 2022 is €23.3 million. As Axway Software SA cannot bear this cost alone, the subsidiaries will be rebilled based on the number of free shares granted to their employees, as was done in March 2022 for a total of €9 million.

A provision of €8.6 million was recorded for the purchase of treasury shares for distribution under the free share plans. Accrued income of €6.9 million was recognised between Axway Software and its subsidiaries as of 31 December 2022.

DXchange Technologies Private Limited

In June 2022, Axway Software acquired DXchange Technologies Private Limited and its subsidiary in India. DXchange Technologies Private Limited will be liquidated in June 2023. The subsidiary will be retained to house the employees. The share capital of the company is €9.8 million.

Sale of Mailgate

On 16 September, Axway Software sold its Mailgate technology to MailGate LLC. The asset was removed from the accounts for a gross value of €4.5 million and amortisation of €3.8 million. An earn-out clause was agreed with the buyer, linking part of the price paid to the future performance of the company. Accounting policies and valuation rules

The annual financial statements were drawn up pursuant to French legal and regulatory provisions as defined in ANC Regulation no. 2020-05 of 24 July 2020 issued by the Autorite des Normes Comptables (French Accounting Standards Authority), updated for additional regulations issued as of the date of preparation of the annual financial statements.

These principles were applied on a prudent basis and in accordance with the following underlying assumptions:

  • going concern basis;
  • consistency of accounting methods year-on-year;
  • accruals basis; and
  • in accordance with general guidelines for the preparation and presentation of annual financial statements.
Research & Development

All research expenses are recognised as charges in the year they are incurred.

Project development costs may be capitalised if all of the following can be demonstrated:

  • the technical feasibility of completing development of the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;
  • the intention of completing development of the intangible asset and of using or selling it;
  • the ability to use or sell the intangible asset;
  • the manner in which the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits;
  • the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset;
  • the ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

No software package development expenses have been recognised under intangible assets, as all of the above conditions have not been met.

Following the comprehensive transfer of all Systar’s assets and liabilities, the development expenses capitalised by Systar were transferred to Axway Software and continue to be amortised in accordance with the initial amortisation schedule.

Purchased software

Purchased software mainly corresponds to the asset contribution performed by Sopra group in 2001 and to the intellectual property rights for the Cyclone and Tumbleweed software purchased from Axway Inc. in 2010 and 2011 and for the LiveDashboard software purchased from Access UK in 2012. It also includes intellectual property transferred as part of the Systar comprehensive asset transfer in 2015 and the Streamdata.IO comprehensive asset transfer in 2019.

The contributed software was recognised at the net carrying amount recorded in Sopra group’s financial statements at 31 December 2000. It was amortised on a straight-line basis over 3, 5 or 10 years and has been amortised in full.

The Cyclone and Tumbleweed software was recognised at purchase cost, as calculated by an independent expert in the USA. The Cyclone software is amortised over six years for accounting purposes and one year for tax purposes. The Tumbleweed software was amortised over 12 years for accounting purposes and has been amortised in full. The Mailgate technology acquired with Tumbleweed was sold on 16 September 2022.

The LiveDashboard software which was amortised over 8 years for accounting purposes has been amortised in full.

The intellectual property contributed by Systar was amortised in full by the end of 2014 and the intellectual property contributed by Streamdata.IO is amortised over 10 years for accounting purposes. Customer support for the technologies contributed by Streamdata terminated on 31 May 2022.

Business goodwill

The business goodwill comes from the partial contribution of assets from the EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) division as well as from the comprehensive asset transfer of Systar and Streamdata.IO.

Business goodwill has and unlimited useful life and is not systematically amortised. If appropriate, impairment may be recognised. Amortisation applied prior to 1 January 2001 in the financial statements of Sopra group has been retained in balance sheet assets.

The Company performs Impairment testing on its business goodwill at each year-end and whenever there is indication of impairment. Impairment is recognised if the net carrying amount of the business goodwill is greater than its current value (higher of fair value and value in use).

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated in the balance sheet at acquisition cost or the pre-transfer carrying amount.

Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the useful economic lives of each non-current asset category as follows:

Fixtures and fittings

5 to 10 years

Equipment and tooling

3 to 5 years

Furniture and office equipment

5 to 10 years

Equity investments

On initial recognition, equity investments are recognised at their acquisition or subscription price.

The carrying amount of equity investments corresponds to their value-in-use.

Impairment is recognised if the value-in-use of equity investments, which includes the net assets of subsidiaries and an analysis of the growth and profitability outlook, is lower than the carrying amount in the financial statements. The analysis of the growth outlook may involve an estimate based on discounted cash flows. In this case, cash flows are determined on the basis of available data and five-year forecasts. A perpetual growth rate of 1.8% is applied from the start of the sixth year. The cash flows resulting from these forecasts are then discounted using a rate of 9.4%.


Services provided within the scope of the Group’s software package operations include:

  • the right of use under license of software packages;
  • “Software as a service”, “Axway managed” and “Customer managed” subscription services;
  • maintenance;
  • ancillary services: installation, settings, adaptation, training.
a. In general, separate contracts are concluded with customers for licenses and maintenance on the one hand, and ancillary services on the other hand

In this situation, the various elements comprising contracts are accounted for as follows:

  • license revenue is recognised immediately on delivery, as license sale agreements constitute, in substance, a sale of rights. Delivery is considered to have taken place when all contractual obligations have been fulfilled, i.e. when any remaining services to be provided are insignificant and are not liable to challenge the customer’s acceptance of goods supplied or services rendered;
  • maintenance revenue is recognised prorata temporis, and is generally billed in advance;
  • services revenue is generally recognised on a time spent basis and is recognised when the services are performed. Services are sometimes provided under fixed-price contracts, in which case they are recognised using the percentage-of-completion method described in paragraph e. below.
b. Services provided under a Software as a Service contract

The supplier transfers control of the service progressively to the customer and hence, recognises revenue progressively: “the customer simultaneously receives and consumes all of the benefits provided by the entity as the entity performs”.

c. Contracts comprising separate services (license, maintenance, ancillary services, etc.) may sometimes be negotiated on a fixed-price basis

In this situation, the contract transaction price is allocated to each service as follows: revenue attributable to the license is equal to the difference between the total contract amount and the fair value of its other services, i.e. maintenance and ancillary services. The fair value of the other components is determined when possible based on list prices applied in the case of a separate sale or alternatively, based on selling prices determined by management founded on best estimates. The residual amount attributed to the license is recognised at the time of delivery.

d. In fairly rare instances, ancillary services may be considered essential to the operation of a software package or the delivery of the Software as a Service solution

This may arise on the sale of software packages for very complex projects, where completion may be subject to particular risks. The project is then examined as a whole and is the focus of specific monitoring by the Quality Department. It is accounted for using the percentage of completion method described in paragraph e. below.

Where preliminary work is performed that is considered essential to the implementation of the Software as a Service solution, the contract is considered as a whole and revenue is recognised progressively over the contract term as described in paragraph b. above.

e. Technical assistance, consulting, training and projects provided on an ongoing contract basis

These services are recognised when performed, i.e. in general at the time of invoicing.

Operations are reviewed at each reporting date:

  • services rendered but not yet, or only partially, invoiced are measured on the basis of billable time and the contractual billing rates. They are recognised in revenue and are recorded in the balance sheet under Trade receivables in Accrued income;
  • services already billed but not yet entirely performed are deducted from invoiced revenue and recorded in the balance sheet under Other current liabilities in Deferred income.
f. Services covered by fixed-price contracts

Under such contracts the Group commits itself to a price, a result and a deadline. Revenue and profit generated by a contract are recognised based on a technical assessment, in line with the Group’s quality procedures, of the contract’s degree of completion.

Trade receivables

Trade receivables are recognised using the methods specified above.

A separate estimate is carried out for each trade receivable at the end of the fiscal year and impairment is recognised in the event of a risk of non-recovery linked to collective proceedings. Doubtful receivables for which legal proceedings have not been instigated are covered by accrued credit notes.

Transactions in foreign currencies

Income and expense items denominated in foreign currencies are recognised at their euro-equivalent at the transaction date.

Receivables and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies existing at the reporting date are translated at the prevailing rate at this date. Translation gains or losses are recorded in the balance sheet under Translation adjustments.

A contingency provision is recorded to cover unrealised foreign exchange losses not offset.

Foreign currency cash accounts existing at the reporting date are translated at the prevailing rate at this date. The resulting translation gains or losses are recorded in profit or loss.

Foreign exchange gains and losses are recorded in Operating profit or Net financial income depending on the nature of the transactions generating the gains or losses.

Retirement benefits

Since 2004, Axway Software has provisioned its retirement benefits in accordance with the terms of the Syntec collective bargaining agreement regarding retirement and pensions.

Axway Software’s obligation to its employees is determined on an actuarial basis, using the projected unit credit method: the employer’s discounted obligation is recognised in proportion to the probable length of service of the employees, taking into account actuarial assumptions such as future compensation levels, life expectancy and employee turnover. We assumed a discount rate of 3.90%, a salary increase rate of 2.50% and an average five-year turnover rate of between 0 and 17.4% depending on the age bracket, not including resignations. The male-female mortality table used for our forecasts is the INSEE 2017-2019 table. Among the other assumptions, we adopted a retirement age of 65 at the initiative of employees and a social security contribution rate of 47%. Changes in actuarial assumptions that affect the valuation of the obligation are recognised as actuarial gains and losses. Axway Software uses the corridor method.

Amendment no. 1 of 31/03/2022 to Appendix 1 of Amendment no. 46 of the French National Collective Agreement for technical design and engineering offices, engineering consultants and consulting firms, modified the calculation method for retirement benefits. From now on, account must be taken of variable compensation provided for in the employment contract (bonuses, commission, holiday bonuses, 13th month salary).

6.4 Summary Axway Software SA results for the past five fiscal years

(in euros)






Share capital at end of fiscal year






Share capital






Number of ordinary shares outstanding






Number of bonds convertible into shares






Transactions and results for the fiscal year






Revenue excluding VAT






Profit (loss) before tax, employee profit-sharing and incentive schemes, depreciation, amortisation and provisions






Income tax






Employee profit-sharing and incentive schemes due for the fiscal year






Profit (loss) after tax and employee profit-sharing, depreciation, amortisation and provisions






Distributed earnings






Earnings per share (including treasury shares)






Profit (loss) after tax and employee profit-sharing, but before depreciation, amortisation and provisions






Profit (loss) after tax and employee profit-sharing, depreciation, amortisation and provisions






Dividend per share






Employee data






Average number of employees during the fiscal year






Total payroll for the fiscal year






Total benefits paid for the fiscal year (social security, employee welfare, etc.)






6.5Statutory Auditors' report on the annual financial statements

This is a translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report on the annual financial statements of the Company issued in French and it is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking users. 

This Statutory Auditors’ report includes information required by European regulation and French law, such as information about the appointment of the Statutory Auditors or verification of the management report and other documents provided to shareholders. 

This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France.

Year ended 31 December 2022

To the General Meeting of Axway Software,


In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your General Meeting, we have audited the accompanying annual financial statements of Axway Software for the year ended 31 December 2022. 

In our opinion, the annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the financial position of the Company at 31 December 2021 and of the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with French accounting principles.

The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report to the Audit Committee.

Basis for opinion
Audit framework

We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the “Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements" section of our report. 


We conducted our audit engagement in compliance with independence requirements of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) and the French Code of Ethics (code de deontologie) for Statutory Auditors, for the period from 1 January 2022 to the date of our report, and specifically we did not provide any prohibited non-audit services referred to in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014.

Justification of our assessments

In accordance with the requirements of Articles L. 823-9 and R. 823-7 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) relating to the justification of our assessments, we inform you of the key audit matters relating to risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the annual financial statements of the current period, as well as how we addressed those risks.

These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the annual financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on specific items of the financial statements. 

Measurement of business goodwill

(Notes 1.2 and 2.1 to the annual financial statements).

Risk identified

At 31 December 2022, net business goodwill of €38.8 million was recognised in the balance sheet.

The assets involved are not systematically amortised but are tested for impairment at each year-end and whenever there is an indication of an impairment loss, as stated in Note 1.2 to the annual financial statements.

Impairment is recognised if the net carrying amount of the business goodwill is greater than its present value, which corresponds to the higher of the market value and value-in-use.

We considered measurement of business goodwill to be a key audit matter, in view of its material significance in the annual financial statements, and because of the need for management to exercise judgement in appraising the present value.

Our response

Our audit of the annual financial statements included the following procedures, in particular:

  • examining the rules and procedures for conducting impairment testing;
  • assessing the reasonableness of the main management estimates, and particularly the cash flow forecasts, the perpetual growth rate and the discount rate adopted;
  • analysing the forecasts for consistency with historic performance.
Revenue recognition

(Note 1.2 to the annual financial statements)

Risk identified

The Company's activity comprises several business lines including the sale of licenses, maintenance and support services, integration and training services and finally subscriptions. 

As disclosed in Note 1.2 "Revenue recognition" to the annual financial statements, the revenue recognition method depends on the nature of the services rendered and particularly:

  • License revenue is recognised immediately upon delivery, which is considered completed when all contractual obligations have been fulfilled, i.e. when any remaining services to be provided are non-material and not liable to call into question the customer's acceptance of goods supplied.
  • Software as a service subscription revenue is recognised progressively as Axway transfers control of the service.
  • Maintenance revenue is recognised on a time-apportioned basis.
  • Services revenue is generally recognised on a time spent basis and is recognised when the services are performed. Services are sometimes provided under fixed-price contracts, in which case they are recognised using the percentage-of-completion method.
  • Where contracts comprise multiple components (license, maintenance, related services, etc.), revenue is generally recognised by applying the above methods after allocating the different revenue amounts to each activity. The amount of revenue attributable to the license is equal to the difference between the total contract amount and the actual value of its other component services: maintenance, related services.

In this context, the audit risks concern in particular the correct separation of fiscal years and the rules and procedures for apportioning revenue to contracts with multiple components. 

We considered revenue recognition to be a key audit matter given Management judgements and estimates underlying revenue and the diversity of Axway activities as a software publisher. 

Our response

Our audit approach is based on the assessment of the internal control procedures put in place by the Company in order to verify the measurement, occurrence and proper separation of fiscal years for revenue and on substantive audit procedures.

Our work included the following, in particular: 

  • Assessing internal control procedures, identifying the main manual or automatic controls relevant to our audit and testing their design and operating efficiency;
  • Conducting analytical audit procedures by type of service rendered, particularly by analysing revenue trends;
  • For a sample of contracts selected using a multi-criteria approach:
  • Assessing the revenue recognition method for each activity identified;
  • Verifying application of the procedure for allocating the price of multi-component contracts to the different components of these contracts;
  • Reconciling accounting data with the operational monitoring of the businesses and contractual data;
  • Examining proof of contract invoicing and settlement;
  • Examining proof of delivery and completion. 
  • Assessing the appropriateness of the disclosures in the notes to the annual financial statements. 
Measurement of equity investments

(Notes 1.2 and 2.1 to the annual financial statements).

Risk identified

Equity investments recognised in assets total €235.9 million at 31 December 2022, and represent the largest balance sheet item. These investments are recognised at acquisition or subscription cost at the date of initial recognition and are impaired based on their value-in-use.

As stated in Note 1.2 to the annual financial statements, the value-in-use is estimated by management on the basis of the net assets of subsidiaries, together with an analysis of forecast changes and profitability of equity investments based on discounted future cash flows.

Estimating the value-in-use of these investments calls for the exercise of judgement by management in choosing the items to consider for the investments concerned; depending on the case, such items may be historic data or forecast data. Consequently, a change in the assumptions retained may affect the value-in-use of the equity investments. We therefore considered measurement of equity investments to be a key audit matter.

Our response

To assess the reasonableness of the estimates of value-in-use of equity investments, based on the information communicated to us, our work consisted chiefly in verifying whether the estimated values determined by management were based on an appropriate justification of the valuation method and quantitative data used, as well as, depending on the investment concerned:

For measurements based on historic data:

  • verifying that the shareholders' equity used was consistent with the financial statements of entities for which audit or analytical procedures were performed, and that any adjustments made to such shareholders' equity were based on firm documentary evidence;
  • verifying the foreign exchange rates for any currencies used.

For measurements based on forecast data:

  • obtaining operating forecasts for the entities concerned and assessing their consistency with historic data;
  • verifying the consistency of the assumptions made with the economic environment at the reporting date and at the date when the financial statements were drawn up;
  • assessing the reasonableness of any other assumptions made by management in determining the value-in-use of the equity investments, such as the perpetual growth rate or the discount rate.
Specific verifications

We have also performed, in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the specific verifications required by French law and regulations.

Information given in the management report and in the other documents provided to shareholders on the financial position and the financial statements

We have no matters to report as to the fair presentation and the consistency with the financial statements of the information given in the management report of the Board of Directors and in the other documents addressed to shareholders with respect to the financial position and the financial statements.

We attest to the fair presentation and consistency with the financial statements of the payment period disclosures required by Article D. 441-6 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce).

Corporate governance information

We attest that the Board of Directors' report on corporate governance contains the information required by Articles L. 225-37-4, L.22-10-9 and L. 22-10-10 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce). 

Concerning the information given in accordance with the requirements of Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) relating to compensation and benefits paid or granted to company officers and any other commitments made in their favour, we have verified its consistency with the financial statements, or with the underlying information used to prepare these financial statements and, where applicable, with the information obtained by your Company from entities it controls or included in the consolidation scope. Based on this work, we attest the accuracy and fair presentation of this information.

Concerning the information relating to the items that your Company considered likely to have an impact in the event of a tender or exchange offer, provided pursuant to Article L. 22-10-11 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce), we have verified their compliance with the underlying documents which have been communicated to us. Based on our work, we have no comment to make on this information.

Other information

In accordance with French law, we have verified that the required information concerning the identity of the shareholders and holders of the voting rights has been properly disclosed in the management report.

Other Legal and Regulatory Verifications or Information
Format of presentation of the annual financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report

We have also verified, in accordance with the professional standard applicable in France relating to the procedures performed by the statutory auditor relating to the annual and consolidated financial statements presented in the European single electronic format, that the presentation of the annual financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report mentioned in Article L. 451-1-2, I of the French Monetary and Financial Code (code monetaire et financier), prepared under the responsibility of Chief Executive Officer, complies with the single electronic format defined in the European Delegated Regulation No 2019/815 of 17 December 2018. 

Based on the work we have performed, we conclude that the presentation of the annual financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report complies, in all material respects, with the European single electronic format.

We have no responsibility to verify that the annual financial statements that will ultimately be included by your Company in the annual financial report filed with the AMF are in agreement with those on which we have performed our work.

Appointment of the Statutory Auditors

Both ACA Nexia and Mazars were appointed Statutory Auditors of Axway Software by the General Meeting of 18 December 2000. 

At 31 December 2022, ACA Nexia and Mazars had held office as auditors for 22 continuous years, of which 12 years since the Company's securities were admitted for trading on a regulated market.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the annual financial statements in accordance with French accounting principles, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the annual financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless it is expected to liquidate the Company or to cease operations. 

The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial reporting process and the effectiveness of internal control and risks management systems and where applicable, its internal audit, regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors.

Statutory Auditors' Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Objectives and audit approach

Our role is to issue a report on the financial statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. 

As specified in Article L. 823-10-1 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce), our statutory audit does not include assurance on the viability of the Company or the quality of management of the affairs of the Company.

As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the statutory auditor exercises professional judgement throughout the audit and furthermore: 

  • identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement of the annual financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, designs and performs audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtains audit evidence considered to be sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for his opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;
  • obtains an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control;
  • evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management in the annual financial statements;
  • assesses the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. This assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of his audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern. If the statutory auditor concludes that a material uncertainty exists, there is a requirement to draw attention in the audit report to the related disclosures in the annual financial statements or, if such disclosures are not provided or inadequate, to modify the opinion expressed therein;
  • evaluates the overall presentation of the financial statements and assesses whether these statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
Report to the Audit Committee

We submit a report to the Audit Committee which includes, in particular, a description of the scope of the audit and the audit programme implemented, as well as the results of our audit. We also report, if any, significant deficiencies in internal control regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures that we have identified.

Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in the audit of the annual financial statements of the current period and which are therefore the key audit matters, that we are required to describe in this report.

We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014, confirming our independence within the meaning of the rules applicable in France such as they are set in particular by Articles L. 822-10 to L. 822-14 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) and in the French Code of Ethics (code de deontologie) for Statutory Auditors. Where appropriate, we discuss with the Audit Committee the risks that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and the related safeguards.

Courbevoie and Paris, 17 March 2023

The Statutory Auditors

Aca Nexia

Sandrine Gimat



Jérôme Neyret


Axway Software share capital and shares AFR

Axway share ownership supports the Company’s performance and sustainability strategic project.

Share capital held by leading shareholders favours stable but flexible governance decisions, while the increase in employee share ownership encourages employee engagement.

The market-making agreement entrusted to an investment service provider since Axway’s IPO, seeks to increase the fluidity of transactions in the Company’s shares in the secondary market.

7.1General information

Axway Software was listed on the regulated Euronext market in Paris on 14 June 2011.

Axway Software shares are listed on Euronext Compartment B and are eligible for inclusion in equity saving plans (PEA and PEA-PME) and for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD).

On 31 December 2022, Axway Software’s share capital consisted of 21,633,597 shares with a par value of two (2) euros each, fully paid up, amounting to €43,267,194. The total number of exercisable voting rights attached to the share capital at 31 December 2022, taking account of the existence of double voting rights and the absence of voting rights on treasury shares, was 35,809,394.

Changes in share capital for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022 are detailed in Section 7.3 (“Changes in share capital”) of this Chapter 7.

On 31 December 2022, if all free shares had been issued, this would have resulted in the issuance or purchase of 719,582 shares. 

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, no Axway Software shares held in registered form and representing a significant proportion of the Company’s capital have been pledged as collateral.

Shares owned by the Company in its subsidiaries are unencumbered by sureties.

7.2Current share ownership


At 31 December 2022

Number of shares held

% of share capital

Number of theoretical voting rights

Number of exercisable voting rights

% of exercisable voting rights

Sopra Steria Group SA






Sopra GMT(1)






Pasquier family group(1)






Odin family group(1)












Shareholders’ agreement between the Founders, the Managers and Sopra Steria Group SA












Treasury shares












(1) Sopra GMT, the Pasquier family group and the Odin family group are referred to collectively as the “Founders”.

(2) Managers who have signed the shareholders’ agreement with Sopra GMT and the Pasquier and Odin family groups.

(3) Calculated by deduction.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, only Caravelle, Lazard Frères Gestion and Long Path Partners held more than 5% of the share capital at 31 December 2022, holding 2,572,458, 1,172,900 and 1,139,700 shares, respectively, representing 11.89%, 5.42% and 5.27% of the share capital.

There were no material changes in the Company’s share capital structure in 2022.


At 31 December 2021

Number of shares held

% of share capital

Number of theoretical voting rights

Number of exercisable voting rights

% of exercisable voting rights

Sopra Steria Group SA






Sopra GMT(1)






Pasquier family group(1)






Odin family group(1)












Shareholders’ agreement between the Founders, the Managers and Sopra Steria Group SA












Treasury shares












(1) Sopra GMT, the Pasquier family group and the Odin family group are referred to collectively as the “Founders”.

(2) Managers who have signed the shareholders’ agreement with Sopra GMT and the Pasquier and Odin family groups.

(3) Calculated by deduction.


At 31 December 2020

Number of shares held

% of share capital

Number of theoretical voting rights

Number of exercisable voting rights

% of exercisable voting rights

Sopra Steria Group SA






Sopra GMT(1)






Pasquier family group(1)






Odin family group(1)












Shareholders’ agreement between the Founders, the Managers and Sopra Steria Group SA












Treasury shares












(1) Sopra GMT, the Pasquier family group and the Odin family group are referred to collectively as the “Founders”.

(2) Managers who have signed the shareholders’ agreement with Sopra GMT and the Pasquier and Odin family groups.

(3) Calculated by deduction.

The share capital of Sopra GMT, the holding company of Axway and Sopra Steria, is held as follows:

Sopra GMT’s share ownership structure





% of share capital


% of share capital

Pasquier family group





Odin Family group





Sopra Steria Group active and retired managers





Treasury shares










7.2.1Recent transactions - Share ownership thresholds

The Company’s shareholders are subject to prevailing laws and regulations on reporting the crossing of ownership thresholds and their future intentions. In addition, the Company has taken care to supplement the legal mechanism by adding a clause to the Articles of Association stipulating that:

Any shareholder whose ownership interest in the share capital crosses the thresholds of 3% or 4% of the share capital or voting rights shall inform the Company in the same manner and based on the same calculation methods as those set forth by law for declarations that legal thresholds have been crossed” (Article 28 of the Articles of Association).

In a letter received on 4 July 2022, Moneta Asset Management, acting on behalf of the fund it manages, declared it had increased its interest above the threshold of 3% of Axway’s share capital on 29 June 2022. In a further letter on 14 September 2022, Moneta Asset Management declared it had decreased its interest below the threshold of 3% of Axway’s share capital on 12 September 2022. At this date, Moneta Asset Management held 583,164 shares representing 2.70% of the share capital and 1.60% of the voting rights of Axway.

In a letter received on 2 December 2022, Long Path Partner, LP, acting on behalf of Long Path Partners Smaller Companies Fund, LP that it manages, declared it had increased its interest above the threshold of 5% of Axway’s share capital on 28 November 2022. At this date, Long Path Partner held 1,095,185 shares representing 5.06% of the share capital and 3.00% of the voting rights of Axway.

7.3Changes in the share capital


Transaction type

Share capital after the transaction (in euros)

Par value

Number of shares




Par value

Premiums or reserves


























Division of the par value by 8








Capital increase by capitalisation of reserves








Capital decrease by a reduction in the par value








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by issue of free shares








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by issue of free shares








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by issue of free shares








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








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Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by issue of free shares








Capital increase by issue of free shares








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options








Capital increase by exercise of options







7.4Shares held by the Company or on its behalf - share buyback programme and market-making agreement

At 31 December 2022, Axway held 650,688 treasury shares, representing 3.01% of the share capital. At this date, Axway held 41,497 shares under a market-making agreement and 609,191 shares under a buyback program.

7.4.1Transactions carried out in 2022 under the share buyback programme

In fiscal year 2022, Axway acquired, under the authorisations granted to the Board of Directors by the General Meeting of 24 May 2022, 725,000 of its own shares by implementing the buyback programme. These shares were acquired at an average price of €18.92 per share, i.e. a total cost of €13,715,938. The trading costs incurred by Axway amounted to 0.1% of the total gross cost plus the tax on financial transactions.

These shares were purchased to cover undertakings given by Axway in connection with employee performance share plans.

7.5Delegations granted by General Meetings to increase the share capital

The table below summarises valid delegations at 31 December 2022 granted by the General Shareholders’ Meeting in accordance with Article L. 225-37-4 paragraph 3 of the French Commercial Code.

I.Delegations of authority granted by the Combined General Meeting of 25 May 2021

Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by capitalising reserves, profits, share premiums or other items (15th resolution)

Date of General Meeting granting the delegation of authority

25 May 2021

Duration of delegation of authority

26 months

Expiry date

25 July 2023

Total amount for which the delegation of authority is granted (in euros)


Use made of this delegation of authority during the fiscal year


Remaining balance (in euros)


(1) This threshold is independent and separate from the share capital increase thresholds potentially arising from the issue of ordinary shares or securities granting access to share capital authorised by the other resolutions and capped by the 19th resolution adopted by the Combined General Meeting of 25 May 2021.

Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by issuing ordinary shares and/or securities granting access to ordinary shares with retention of preferential subscription rights and/or of securities conferring entitlement to the allocation of debt securities (16th resolution)

Date of General Meeting granting the delegation of authority

25 May 2021

Duration of delegation of authority

26 months

Expiry date

25 July 2023

Total amount for which the delegation of authority is granted (in euros)


200,000,000(1) (debt securities)

Use made of this delegation of authority during the fiscal year


Remaining balance (in euros)



(1) This amount Is deducted from the par value limit for share capital increases provided in the 19th resolution adopted by the Combined General Meeting of 25 May 2021.

Authorisation granted to the Board of Directors to increase the amount of the initial issue, in the event of an issuance of ordinary shares or securities granting access to ordinary shares, with retention or cancellation of preferential subscription rights, decided pursuant to the 16th resolution adopted by the General Meeting of 25 May 2021 and the 12th and 13th resolutions adopted by the General Meeting of 3 June 2022 (17th resolution)

Date of General Meeting granting the delegation of authority

25 May 2021

Duration of delegation of authority

26 months

Expiry date

25 July 2023

Total amount for which the delegation of authority is granted

Ceilings set by the 12th, 13th and 16th resolutions

Use made of this delegation of authority during the fiscal year


Remaining balance (in euros)



Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors to issue ordinary shares and/or securities granting access to ordinary shares in consideration for contributions in kind granted to the Company and consisting of equity securities or securities granting access to share capital, outside of a public exchange offer (18th resolution)

Date of General Meeting granting the delegation of authority

25 May 2021

Duration of delegation of authority

26 months

Expiry date

25 July 2023

Total amount for which the delegation of authority is granted

10% of share capital(1)

Use made of this delegation of authority during the fiscal year


Remaining balance

10% of share capital(1)

(1) This amount is deducted from the threshold set in the 19th resolution adopted by the Combined General Meeting of 25 May 2021.

Overall limit on issue authorisations, with retention or cancellation of preferential subscription rights (19th resolution)

Date of General Meeting granting the delegation of authority

25 May 2021

Duration of delegation of authority

26 months

Expiry date

25 July 2023

Total amount for which the delegation of authority is granted (in euros)


200,000,000 (debt securities)(1)

Use made of this delegation of authority during the fiscal year


Remaining balance (in euros)


(1) Total maximum par value amount of share capital increases that may be decided pursuant to the 16,thand 18th resolutions adopted by the Combined General Meeting of 25 May 2021 and the 12th and 13th resolutions adopted by the Combined General Meeting of 3 June 2020.

Delegation granted to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by issuing ordinary shares reserved for Axway Group employees who are members of a company savings plan (20th resolution)

Date of General Meeting granting the delegation of authority

25 May 2021

Duration of delegation of authority

26 months

Expiry date

25 July 2023

Total amount for which the delegation of authority is granted

3% of the share capital at the date of the General Meeting(1)

Use made of this delegation of authority during the fiscal year


Remaining balance

3% of the share capital at the date of the General Meeting(1)

(1) This threshold is independent and separate from the share capital increase thresholds potentially arising from the issue of ordinary shares or securities granting access to share capital authorised by the other resolutions of the Combined General Meeting of 25 May 2021.

7.6Share subscription options

The table below summarises the status at 31 December 2022 of share subscription option plans granted by Axway to its employees:

Grant date

Initial position

Option exercise period

Position at 1 January

Changes in the period, number of options:

Position at 31/12/2022


































Number of options

Exercise price

Start date

Expiry date

Number of options

Exercise price




Number of options

Exercise price





































PLAN N° 3 -2011 stock option plan, maximum issue of 1,033,111 shares*




































































































































































































Total plans
















































* Increased to 1,295,611 following an amendment in June 2013.













































7.7Share price and trading volumes

AXW.PA share monthly average price and volumes


The Board of Directors reviews annually, based on the prior year’s results, the appropriateness of asking shareholders to approve a dividend distribution. The Company has chosen not to have a specific dividend distribution policy, in favour of an annual assessment by the Board of Directors.

The Axway Board of Directors’ meeting on 22 February 2023, decided to propose to the next General Shareholders’ Meeting the payment of a divided of €0.40 per share.

7.9Rights, privileges and restrictions attached to each category of shares outstanding

7.9.1Rights and obligations attaching to shares (Article 12 of the Articles of Association)

  • “Each share gives the right to a portion of the earnings, corporate assets and liquidation surplus in proportion to the percentage of the share capital it represents. It moreover carries voting and representation rights at General Meetings, as well as the right to be kept informed about the Company’s performance and to receive certain corporate documentation when and in the manner provided for by law and in the Articles of Association.
  • Shareholders are only liable for corporate liabilities up to the amount of their contributions.
  • The rights and obligations stay with the share regardless of who owns it.
  • Ownership of a share implies acceptance of the Company’s Articles of Association and the decisions of General Meetings.
  • Whenever a certain number of shares is required to exercise any particular right, owners not holding that number shall be personally responsible for grouping together, or potentially buying or selling the required number of shares.”

Moreover, it is specified that since the General Meeting of 4 June 2014 a double voting right is attached to shares held by shareholders that meet the conditions specified in paragraph 4 of Article 31 of the Articles of Association, available on the Axway website at the following link.

7.10Information on takeover bids pursuant to Article L. 22-10-11 of the French Commercial Code

  • The Company’s share capital structure is set out in Chapter 7, Section 7.2 of the Universal Registration Document.
  • There are no restrictions in the Articles of Association on the transfer of shares, which are freely transferable, except where provided otherwise under applicable laws or regulations (Article 11 of the Articles of Association).
  • The Company and the markets have been informed of the shareholders’ agreement between shareholders acting in concert with respect to the Company. Information available to the Company is detailed in Chapter 7, Section 7.2.4 of this Universal Registration Document, in accordance with Article L. 233-11 of the French Commercial Code.
  • Any direct or indirect equity investments in the Company’s share capital of which the Company has been informed pursuant to Articles L. 233-7 and L. 233-12 of the French Commercial Code are set out in Chapter 7, Section 7.2 of the Universal Registration Document.
  • In accordance with the provisions of Article 31 of the Articles of Association, any shares held in registered form by the same shareholder for at least two (2) years have a double voting right. With this proviso, there are no special controlling rights covered by Article L. 225-100-3, paragraph 4, of the French Commercial Code. The Company’s Articles of Association are available on the Axway Investors website at the following address:
  • There is no control mechanism provided under an employee share ownership scheme.
  • Agreements between shareholders of which the Company is aware and that may result in restrictions on share transfers and the exercise of voting rights can be found in Chapter 7, Section 7.2.4 of the Universal Registration Document.
  • The rules applicable to the appointment and replacement of the members of the Board of Directors comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and are set out in Article 14 of the Articles of Association.
  • The Articles of Association may be modified by the Company in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions.
  • The powers of the Board of Directors are set out in Article 17 of the Articles of Association. “The Board of Directors determines the overall business strategy of the Company and supervises its implementation, in accordance with its corporate interest, taking the social and environmental issues of its activity into consideration. It examines any and all matters related to the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations and reaches decisions about any and all issues concerning the Company, within the limits of the corporate purpose and except for those matters which, by law, can only be decided by shareholders in a General Meeting.”
  • Moreover, the Board of Directors has the delegated powers set out in Chapter 7, Section 7.5 of this Universal Registration Document.
  • The agreements entered into by the Company that could be amended or terminated in the event of a change in control of the Company mainly concern the syndicated credit facility renewed on 21 January 2019.
  • There are no agreements providing for the payment of compensation to members of the Board of Directors or employees upon resignation or dismissal without just cause or should their employment contracts be terminated following a public tender offer.

Combined General Meeting of 11 May 2023

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, committed to sustainably aligning the interests of the Company and those of shareholders, seeks to establish a frequent dialogue with shareholders in close conjunction with the Chief Executive Officer. Accordingly, in fiscal year 2022, in addition to the General Meeting, shareholders were invited to attend all presentations of Axway’s results as well as a “Capital Markets Meeting” by video-conference. A recording of these meetings can be viewed on the Company’s website at the following link:

Similarly, the Board of Directors, under the impetus of its Chairman and Executive Management, analysed voting results at the Combined General Meeting of 24 May 2022. This analysis showed that minority shareholders, for the most part, followed the voting recommendations of the Board of Directors.

In addition, the procedures for shareholders to attend the General Meeting are presented in Articles 25 and 34 of the Articles of Association, which may be consulted on the Axway investors website

8.1Agenda AFR

Ordinary General Meeting

  • Approval of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 - Approval of non-tax deductible expenses and charges.
  • Approval of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022.
  • Appropriation of earnings for the year and setting of the dividend.
  • Reappointment of Pierre Pasquier as director.
  • Reappointment of Kathleen Clark-Bracco as director.
  • Reappointment of Emma Fernandez as director.
  • Reappointment of Yves de Talhouët as director.
  • Fixed annual sum to be allocated to members of the Board of Directors.
  • Approval of the compensation policy for the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
  • Approval of the compensation policy for the Chief Executive Officer.
  • Approval of the compensation policy for members of the Board of Directors.
  • Approval of the information set out in Section I of Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code.
  • Approval of the fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits of all kind paid during the year or awarded in respect of the same fiscal year to Pierre Pasquier, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
  • Approval of the fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits of all kind paid during the year or awarded in respect of the same fiscal year to Patrick Donovan, Chief Executive Officer.
  • Authorisation granted to the Board of Directors, for a period of 18 months, to buy back shares in the Company under the mechanism set out in Article L. 22-10-62 of the French Commercial Code.

8.2Explanatory statement and proposed resolutions

Dear shareholders,

We have convened a Combined General Meeting on 11 May 2023 to present the consolidated and parent company financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022, and to submit a certain number of resolutions for your approval, the content of which is presented below.

As part of the approval of the consolidated and parent company financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022, we present the annual management report, included in the Universal Registration Document filed with the AMF.

This Board of Directors’ report seeks to explain the contents of the resolutions submitted for your approval, and indicate the vote recommended by the Company’s Board of Directors.

8.2.1Resolutions presented for the approval of the Ordinary General Meeting

a)Approval of the accounts proposed by the Board of Directors (1st to 3rd resolutions)




In light of the Statutory Auditors’ reports and the Board of Directors’ management report, shareholders are asked to:

  • approve the annual financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022, showing a loss of €8,037,822.68 and approve the transactions reflected in these financial statements or summarised in these reports (1st resolution);
  • approve the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022, showing a consolidated net loss, Group share, of €40,040,966.90 and the transactions reflected in these financial statements and/or summarised in these reports (2nd resolution); and
  • approve the appropriation of earnings and the proposed dividend per share of a gross amount of €0.40 with an ex-dividend date of 5 June 2023 and a payment date of 7 June 2023 (3rd resolution).

It is recalled that Article 37 of the Articles of Association sets out the following rules for the appropriation and distribution of earnings:

The income statement summarises the income and expenses for the fiscal year and, after deductions for amortisation, depreciation and provisions, shows the profit for the year. Any prior losses are deducted from the profit for the year, along with at least five per cent for allocation to the legal reserve. This allocation ceases to be mandatory when the legal reserve represents one-tenth of the share capital.

Profit available for distribution comprises the profit for the year less any losses carried forward and amounts allocated to reserves, pursuant to the law and the Articles of Association, plus retained earnings. The General Meeting may deduct from this profit all amounts that it deems appropriate for allocation to all discretionary, ordinary or extraordinary reserves, or to retained earnings.

The balance, if any, is apportioned by the General Meeting between all shareholders in proportion to the number of shares held.

Furthermore, the General Meeting may resolve to distribute sums deducted from available reserves, by expressly indicating the reserves from which the deductions are to be made. However, dividends are first deducted from the profit for the year.

Except in the event of a share capital reduction, no distribution may be carried out to shareholders where shareholders’ equity is, or would subsequently be, less than the minimum amount of share capital plus reserves not enabling a distribution, pursuant to the law or the Articles of Association. Revaluation surpluses may not be distributed. Some or all of them may be incorporated into the capital.

Any losses shall, following approval of the financial statements by the General Meeting, be carried forward to be set against earnings in subsequent fiscal years, until fully used up.


First resolution
Approval of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 - Approval of non-tax deductible expenses and charges

The General Meeting, after reviewing the Board of Directors’ and Statutory Auditors’ reports for the year ended 31 December 2022, approves the annual financial statements as presented at this date showing a net loss of €8,037,822.68.

The General Meeting specifically approves the overall amount of €42,599 for expenses and charges referred to in Section 4 Article 39 of the French General Tax Code, it being noted that no tax was borne in respect of these expenses.

Second resolution
Approval of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022

The General Meeting, after reviewing the Board of Directors’ and Statutory Auditors’ reports on the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022, approves these consolidated financial statements as presented showing a net loss (Group share) of €40,040,966.90.

Third resolution
Appropriation of earnings for the year and setting of the dividend

The General Meeting, at the proposal of the Board of Directors, decides the appropriation of earnings for the year ended 31 December 2022:

Initial amount


  • Net loss for the year

- €8,037,823

  • Retained earnings

- €11,079,919



  • Legal reserve


  • Other reserves(1)

- €8,653,439

  • Dividends


  • Retained earnings

- €19,117,741

The General Meeting hereby takes note that the overall gross dividend paid for each share is set at €0.40.

If paid to physical persons with tax residency in France, the dividend is subject to either a single deduction from the gross dividend at a flat rate of 12.8% (Article 200 A of the French General Tax Code), or, on an express and irrevocable option by the taxpayer, an income tax charge according to the progressive income tax schedule after a 40% rebate (Article 200 A, 13, and 158 of the French General Tax Code). The dividend is also subject to social security contributions at a rate of 17.2%.

The ex-dividend date will be 5 June 2023.

The dividends will be paid on 7 June 2023.

In the event of a change in the number of shares conferring entitlement to dividends compared to the 21,633,597 shares comprising the share capital at 31 December 2022, the overall dividend amount would be adjusted accordingly and the amount allocated to retained earnings would be determined based on dividends actually paid.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 243 bis of the French General Tax Code, the Meeting notes that it was reminded that dividend and revenue distributions during the past three fiscal years were as follows:


Revenue eligible for deduction

Revenue not eligible for deduction













For the fiscal year


Other distributed revenue
































i.e. €0.40 per share

















i.e. €0.40 per share















* Including the dividend amount corresponding to treasury shares not paid and allocated to retained earnings.

(1) A dividend was not distributed In respect of fiscal year 2019 due to the exceptional circumstances relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.




b)Renewal of terms of office (4th to 7th resolutions)




The Board reminds shareholders that the terms of office of Kathleen Clark-Bracco, Emma Fernandez, Helen Louise Heslop, Véronique de la Bachelerie, Pierre Pasquier, Hervé Déchelette, Pascal Imbert, Hervé Saint-Sauveur and Yves de Talhouët expire at the end of the next General Meeting. Some of these offices cannot be renewed as the directors are no longer independent. 

The Board, in favour of reducing the number of its members and wishing to retain a range of expertise and to represent the Company's main shareholder, Sopra GMT, asks shareholders to approve the reappointment of Kathleen Clark-Bracco, Emma Fernandez, Pierre Pasquier and Yves de Talhouët.

On the recommendation of the Appointments, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee, the Board considers that, amongst the directors whose reappointment is proposed, Emma Fernandez and Yves de Talhouët qualify as independent with regard to the independence criteria set out in the Middlenext Code adopted by the Company as its reference Code for corporate governance issues. In this respect, it is stated in particular that these individuals have no business relations with the Group.

The Board considers that it will continue to have all the expertise necessary to perform its duties, despite having a reduced team of nine members.


Director’s name

Experience in the software publishing and IT services sector

Financial expertise

International dimension


Attendance rate at Board and Committee meetings

Kathleen Clark Bracco

55 years old




Emma Fernandez

59 years old


Pierre Pasquier

87 years old



Yves de Talhouët

64 years old


Fourth resolution
Reappointment of Pierre Pasquier as director

The General Meeting decides to reappoint Pierre Pasquier as director for a term of four years, expiring at the end of the General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2027.

Fifth resolution
Reappointment of Kathleen Clark-Bracco as director

The General Meeting decides to reappoint Kathleen Clark-Bracco as director for a term of four years, expiring at the end of the General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2027.

Sixth resolution
Reappointment of Emma Fernandez as director

The General Meeting decides to reappoint Emma Fernandez as director for a term of four years, expiring at the end of the General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2027.

Seventh resolution
Reappointment of Yves de Talhouët as director

The General Meeting decides to reappoint Yves de Talhouët as director for a term of four years, expiring at the end of the General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2027.

c)Company officer compensation (8th to 14th resolutions)




In the 8th resolution, the General Meeting will be asked to maintain the fixed annual amount to be allocated to directors at €330,000 in respect of the current fiscal year, until a new decision is made.

In addition, the General Meeting will be asked to approve the compensation policy for all company officers (resolutions 9 to 11). Shareholders are asked to refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.4.2 of the Universal Registration Document, “Compensation policy”, to review this information.

The General Meeting will also be asked to approve the fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation, and benefits of all kind paid during the year or awarded in respect of the same fiscal year to all company officers (resolutions 12 to 14). Shareholders are asked to refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.4.1 of the Universal Registration Document to review this information.


Eighth resolution
Fixed annual sum to be allocated to members of the Board of Directors

The General Meeting decides to maintain the fixed annual sum to be allocated to the Board of Directors at €330,000.

This decision is applicable to the current fiscal year and will be upheld until a new decision is made.

Ninth resolution
Approval of the compensation policy for the Chairman of the Board of Directors

The General Meeting, acting pursuant to Article L. 22-10-8 of the French Commercial Code, approves the compensation policy for the Chairman of the Board of Directors presented in the Report on corporate governance presented in the 2022 Universal Registration Document in paragraph a).

Tenth resolution
Approval of the compensation policy for the Chief Executive Officer

The General Meeting, acting pursuant to Article L. 22-10-8 of the French Commercial Code, approves the compensation policy for the Chief Executive Officer presented in the Report on corporate governance presented in the 2022 Universal Registration Document in paragraph b).

Eleventh resolution
Approval of the compensation policy for members of the Board of Directors

The General Meeting, acting pursuant to Article L. 22-10-8 of the French Commercial Code, approves the compensation policy for members of the Board of Directors presented in the Report on corporate governance presented in the 2022 Universal Registration Document in paragraph

Twelfth resolution
Approval of the information set out in Section I of Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code

The General Meeting, acting pursuant to Article L. 22-10-34 I of the French Commercial Code, approves the information set out in Section I of Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code disclosed in the Report on corporate governance presented in the 2022 Universal Registration Document in paragraph 4.4.1.

Thirteenth resolution
Approval of the fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits of all kind paid during the year or awarded in respect of the same fiscal year to Pierre Pasquier, Chairman of the Board of Directors

The General Meeting, acting pursuant to Article L. 22-10-34 II of the French Commercial Code, approves the fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits of all kind paid during the year or awarded in respect of the same fiscal year to Pierre Pasquier, Chairman of the Board of Directors, presented in the Report on corporate governance presented in the 2022 Universal Registration Document in paragraph

Fourteenth resolution
Approval of the fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits of all kind paid during the year or awarded in respect of the same fiscal year to Patrick Donovan, Chief Executive Officer

The General Meeting, acting pursuant to Article L. 22-10-34 II of the French Commercial Code, approves the fixed, variable and exceptional components of total compensation and benefits of all kind paid during the year or awarded in respect of the same fiscal year to Patrick Donovan, Chief Executive Officer, presented in the Report on corporate governance presented in the 2022 Universal Registration Document in paragraph

d)Share buyback programme (15th resolution)




During the last General Meeting, the Board of Directors was authorised to implement a share buyback programme for the Company’s shares. As this authorisation will soon expire, shareholders are asked to renew it for a further period of 18 months (i.e. until 11 November 2024 inclusive), to enable the Board to again purchase shares in the Company, on one or more occasions and at the times it determines (except during a public tender offer period).

These buybacks may be carried out on and/or off market, on a multilateral trading system, with a systematic internaliser or over the counter, in particular by means of acquisition or disposal of share blocks, or the use of derivatives. We would recall that in any event, share purchases carried out in this manner must not result in the Company holding more than 10% of the shares making up the Company’s share capital on the date such purchases are made.

Share buybacks may be performed for the following objectives, without this list being exhaustive:

  • enabling secondary market making or ensuring the liquidity of Axway Software shares. To this end and pursuant to the delegation granted until now to the Board, a market-making agreement was signed by the Company with Kepler Cheuvreux;
  • retaining shares that are bought back for subsequent exchange or use as consideration in acquisitions;
  • providing coverage, as was the case this year, of free share grant plans (or similar plans) for employees and/or company officers of the Group. A record of all statements of share buyback transactions can be consulted on our investor website at;
  • cancelling any shares purchased, pursuant to the authorisation granted or to be granted by the Combined General Meeting.

These buybacks may be performed for all objectives listed in the fifteenth resolution presented to this General Meeting and, more broadly, any other objective which is authorised or will be authorised by the regulations in force.

The maximum share buyback price in connection with the share buyback programme would be set at €47 per share, representing a maximum total amount of €101,677,906 that the Company may devote to share purchases (excluding acquisition costs).


Fifteenth resolution
Authorisation granted to the Board of Directors, for a period of 18 months, to buy back shares in the Company under the mechanism set out in Article L. 22-10-62 of the French Commercial Code.

The General Meeting, after reviewing the Board of Directors’ report, authorises the latter, for a period of eighteen months, pursuant to Articles L. 22-10-62 et seq. and L. 225-210 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, to buy back the Company’s shares on one or more occasions, and at the times it determines, up to a maximum number of shares representing no more than 10% of the number of shares making up the share capital at the date of this General Meeting, where applicable, adjusted to take into account potential share capital increase or decrease transactions which might take place during the term of the programme.

This authorisation supersedes the authorisation granted to the Board of Directors by the General Meeting of 24 May 2022 in its fourteenth ordinary resolution.

The acquisitions may be performed with a view to:

  • enabling secondary market making or ensuring the liquidity of Axway Software shares through an investment services provider via a market-making agreement that complies with regulations, it being noted that the number of shares used to calculate the aforementioned limit is equal to the number of shares bought back, less the number of shares sold;
  • retaining shares that are bought back for subsequent exchange or use as consideration in mergers, demergers, contributions or acquisitions;
  • providing coverage of share purchase option plans and/or free share plans (or similar plans) for employees and/or company officers of the Group, including affiliated economic interest groups and companies as well as granting shares through a group or company savings plan (or similar plan), Company profit-sharing and/or all forms of assigning shares to employees and/or company officers of the Group, including affiliated economic interest groups and companies;
  • providing coverage of securities conferring entitlement to the grant of shares in the Company in view of regulations in force;
  • cancelling any shares purchased, pursuant to the authorisation granted or to be granted by the Combined General Meeting;
  • pursuing any other objective which is authorised or will be authorised by the regulations in force.

The share buybacks can take place via any means, including the acquisition of blocks of shares, and at the times the Board of Directors determines. Unless previously authorised by the General Meeting, the Board of Directors may not use these delegated powers during a public tender offer by a third party for the Company’s shares, up to the end of the tender period.

The Company reserves the right to use optional mechanisms or derivatives in line with applicable regulations.

The maximum purchase price is set at €47 per share. In the event of a share capital transaction, particularly the split or reverse split of shares or the allocation of bonus shares to shareholders, the amount indicated above will be adjusted in the same proportion (multiplying coefficient equal to the ratio between the number of shares making up the share capital before the transaction and the number of shares after the transaction).

The maximum transaction amount is set at €101,677,906.

The General Meeting grants full powers to the Board of Directors to perform these transactions, to decide upon the terms and conditions, to enter into all agreements and to complete all the required formalities.